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The curse was over, memories flooding everyone's minds. Gaston still holding a crying Catherine tensed up as his memories of the Castle, the prince and everyone came back to his mind. He had attempted murder on the prince, sure he had thought the creature was a savage beast going to murder everyone, yet that wasn't the only reason he had set sights on claiming the alleged creature life. No it was his pride in the line, everything that he had worked for was being tested and for what? A girl that was beautiful and no one could match her beauty? It all felt like a hollow prize now as he thought, and then there was Catherine a woman with a heart of gold and one who had saved him from a grim demise not to long ago.

He looked at the sobbing girl who seemed to be calming down as her cries became whimpers, Catherine was the girl he should have truly set his eyes for in the beginning. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder correct? So why couldn't Gaston have seen this amazing kind hearted woman that was always there just waiting to be noticed. He couldn't help but sigh at his stupidity and thought back at all the moments she and him shared, sure they weren't all pleasant but at least Catherine payed attention to him more then Belle had.

Gaston smiled softly and comforts the brunette in front of him as he looked down to where all the maids and workers of the Castle greeted the townsfolk with open arms. It was a fairytale ending of reuniting with lost loved ones, it was perfect or well close to being perfect as he noticed the beast and Belle starring at the two from across the now repaired bridge. Gaston gulped as he pulls away from Catherine and quickly bows as the two came over. "F-forgive me i..." Gaston was soon cut off by The prince holding up his hand. "Enough.... I know you didn't mean to... you were blinded by rage.... I was like you once.... but I can see you have learned quite a bit since our fight...." the prince known as Adam spoke in such a regal manner. Gaston felt belittled at how Adam acted so kind at pardoning him of his heinous crimes. "Now stand up.... let this pass us and move on with our lives" Adam said holding out a hand to Gaston as way to show that water was under the bridge.

Gaston gulped and took his hand and shook it, a silent deal was made never to bring it up again as Catherine and Belle hugged each other and talked quite a bit. Belle bringing up a wedding to plan as she and the prince were to be wed soon, it felt rushed yet Catherine knew her sister had never been this head over heels for someone in her life. It was going to be fun as old memories are stored away and new much charming memories come fourth with their new lives awaiting them.

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