02 » LA PUSH

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10:00 AM
Delphine's POV

"So, when will I be starting school?" I question Charlie over a bowl of cereal, staring at him with what I can only imagine to be a grimace on my face.

"Well, I was thinking on Monday. There isn't a real reason to make you start before then." I don't reply to him, I just continue to munch on my Lucky Charms and stew over the fact that there is something seriously wrong here. If Sue weren't here in the kitchen with us, I'd say something.

I keep wondering if maybe what was said at the diner has any merit. Maybe I'm just crazy and took an accidental slip up to heart. We'll see.

"I was thinking, maybe, if you want, you could see your sister; ya know, maybe some time, so you guys have a better chance to talk?" Charlie wearily suggests with a quiet voice.

"There's nothing to talk about," I state while having a mouth full of my cereal, ignoring all manners.

"Listen, kid. I don't really... Uh, I don't have the kind of skills to give you the best advice on these things.. but I really think you should talk to her. Maybe just to catch up, even." I roll my eyes and slurp the remaining milk out of the bowl, then stand up and rinse it out in the open sink next to Sue. She gives me a kind smile and then takes the bowl from me, plopping it into the full side.

"Charlie, I need you to know something. I haven't spoken to her since I was like.. ten. I don't feel the need to try and force a relationship that was never there. Can we just.. not talk about this?" I know I may sound like an over dramatic teenager, but he's really pushing his luck here with the Bella talk. I know she's around, but she's a sore subject for me. It's not that I never expected to see her again, I just don't think I'm ready for it this soon.

"Fine, fine." Charlie says followed by an exasperated sigh. I know he's trying to make things better, but even living here with him is going to be hard enough. It's opening traumatic childhood wounds and I don't need any extra salt being poured in it.

All of a sudden I hear the front door open and slam and then a cheery voice sounds out, "Good morning Charlie," Seth rounds the corner "and Del!"

I smile at Seth. He seems to be very kind, and an overall happy person. He has the demeanor that almost makes you want to smile because he's so happy. That should make it easier to be around him, and might make living here a little easier in general.

"Mornin' Seth." Charlie acknowledges the raven haired boy, picks up his newspaper and walks into the living room. I am glad Charlie is leaving our conversation alone for the moment.

"So Del, what's your plans for today?" Seth questions while pulling out the necessary items to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It's strange. He doesn't even live here but he's so comfortable. Charlie is my own father and I struggled to even ask where the silverware was.

"World domination." I joke and Seth let's out a hearty chuckle in response. It wasn't really that funny but I'm glad it entertained him.

"Awesome. Well, I was wondering.. Maybe, would you wanna come out to La Push with me?" I frown, trying to remember why the name sounds so familiar and why I seem to have forgotten it. Seth notices. "The reservation." He informs me and I nod, feeling relief that I didn't have to pretend but also kind of upset that my poker face isn't as perfected as I'd like it to be.

What else could I possibly have to do today?

"What's even out there, like, what is there to do?" I question, trying to get an idea of what today's plans will be. I began tugging on the sleeves of my shirt due to old anxiety habits. I'm not really used to doing new things or going new places and this situation has already been enough exposure therapy for the next century.

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