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7:00 AM
Delphine's POV

I awake to hear birds chirping and sun shining through my window, illuminating dust particles in the air. It takes a second for me to remember where I am, but when I look at the teal shade of the wall, I'm sadly reminded that I am far from home. I haven't spoken to my mother since she dropped me off and I thought that maybe she'd at least try to contact me the day after.. or even some time after that. Some time sooner than now.

Tomorrow I begin school at Forks High School and considering I've only been the new kid once when I was a child, this will be extremely different for me. Back home, I grew up with those kids. I knew them for basically our whole lives. I'm just glad it's my senior year and I won't have to deal with it for very much longer. Sure, maybe I didn't have a best friend (for long) or anything but I surely was attached to the people. Maybe it was the comfortability of never being pushed out of my comfort zone, but nonetheless it was nothing like this.

I roll off the left side of my bed and stand up to peer out of the window. Thankfully the weather has improved which is actually improving my mood slightly. Today I'm making it a mission to sort all of my things because yesterday I completely neglected to do so and chose to hang out with Seth instead which.. happened to be even more strange than I had anticipated. It left me feeling a lot of things I can't quite put my finger on.

After Jacob took off and Emily went chasing after him, Leah and I sat in the kitchen for about fifteen minutes just doing the 'get to know you' small talk. I felt awkward on the inside and apparently it showed.


"It's not you, it's him," She explained to me but somehow that didn't make me feel any better, only worse. I wanted to get to the bottom of it but something in my gut told me to leave well enough alone. Not too long after that, Seth and Emily came back in the house and Seth decided that maybe we should leave because he had a few more things to show me. There was no convincing needed, I was ready to get out of there faster than Jacob.

Seth and I climbed into his two door beige car. I felt a pang of jealousy shoot through me because he had a car and I don't. I have my license but I'm shit out of luck in the vehicle department.

Apparently what Seth meant about 'a few more things to see and do' meant going to the beach and just talking which I honestly don't mind.

"This beach is beautiful," I awed, never really seeing scenery like this before. Florida's beaches are so different and even at this time of year they'd be packed, but I wouldn't dare even put my toe in the water here. I would be too afraid of pulling out an icicle instead.

Seth nodded in agreement about my beach comment. The ocean waves slowly licked the sand and the salty smell in the air put my nerves at ease for the moment, it warmed my heart and felt similar. Seth and I walked for what felt like ages, just talking about random things; nothing in particular.

The gentle wind made strands of my hair go into my face, but I tried to tuck it behind my ears as soon as I could. Seth didn't say anything but I could tell he was looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Under my converse were tiny little pebbles, but closer to the water we got the bigger the pebbles became, turning into actual rocks. There were some large enough to sit on, which I made a mental note of.

The water was a beautiful grey-blue teal color and it reminded me of my old friend Connor's eyes. Quickly trying to forget about him like I did with the memory of my mother earlier, I shake my head and hope that Seth doesn't notice my sudden twitch.

I didn't find it any easier to talk about him, even now. It never used to hurt his bad, but as the years went by.. it tore me apart from the inside out. I scatter my brain trying to think of something to talk about so I am not only listening to the sound of the seagulls, waves and my own panicked thoughts.

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