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7:00 AM
Delphine's POV

It wasn't the sun that woke me up this time, it was the rain. The soft pitter patter of water droplets hitting the window was enough to drive me mad, if I focused hard enough. But, since this is Forks, it's to be expected. Florida had rain too but it was never like this. I'm not sure if I'll ever grow accustom to it. It's always cold, wet, and on the off chance, semi-sunny with mostly clouds. I have said this once and I'll say it again, I don't know why anyone would willingly choose to live here.

As the days went by, I became more and more situated in my new bedroom. At night, I found myself peering at the little dream catcher longer than I probably should have. It's a beautiful design, an intricate and well thought out. I suppose I don't have many visuals to compare it to, though. Something draws me to it but I'm not quite sure what.

After my alarm began ringing on this Monday morning, I groaned at the thought of starting a new school in my senior year. I can't imagine it's going to go that well, so my dread just increases as the minutes go by until I finally decide to get up. I don't want to add being late on my first day on top of my list of worries.

Taking a shower is always a part of my before school routine. The bathroom is slightly cramped with not a whole lot of room to just walk freely, but it's big enough for me to be comfortable. The water pressure is great, better than I had expected. Maybe I should have given this place a chance before I judged it so hard. It's better late than never though, right?

All morning my nerves have been shot. I thought the steam from the shower might relax me a little but it didn't. I've been panicking since I woke up and now I'm chewing on my nails before trying to find clothing that is actually suitable for this Washington weather. Florida is.. well, Florida. It's warm, a combination of humid and dry and all around just not somewhere you wear long sleeves and jeans consistently. I seriously need to revamp my wardrobe.

I slip into a pair of jeans, a long sleeve navy blue shirt with three buttons going down the center and my trusty rain coat. I love this thing to pieces, even though it hardly goes with most other colors. My black converse slip on with ease today and after that I make my way down the steps to try and find something to eat. I pause before I open up the cupboard and scrounge around for a moment until I find off-brand blueberry Poptarts and I sigh in relief, taking a package out of the box.

Charlie walks into the kitchen with a cup of coffee and today's newspaper in his hand. I immediately went to put down the food I was eating. For some reason it felt like I was being caught doing something wrong but Charlie paid no specific mind to it.

"Mornin', Del." He acknowledges me and I give him and awkward half smile.

"Good morning." Which, I don't really mean. I'm not that much of a morning person, and I hope he realizes that soon. Not that Charlie is really the most talkative person to begin with. He stands silently watching me for a minute and I feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

"What?" I blurt out of anxiousness, holding the blueberry strudel in my hand a little tighter than I realized.

"I'm just.. I'm sorry, Delphine." He apologizes while using my full first name. Usually it pisses me off but I think he's trying to be sincere and not an asshole.

"What for?" I question. He hasn't really done anything to me since I've been here, or at least I don't think so.

"I'm sorry I.. I was never around. I wasn't there your first day of preschool or anything so.. I just want to enjoy this moment a little bit." The tone of Charlie's voice is solemn and full of regret. I trust that what he's telling me is truth which causes my eyes to water, only a little bit. I didn't mentally prepare for a heart to heart his morning. I see Charlie pull out a shiny silver square object from his back pocket and I let out chuckle when I realize what it is. A camera.

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