11. A Simple Accident

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"Miss Granger, how did you get that bruise on your cheek?"

Both Harry and Hermione paled as the rest of the class turned to look at Miss Granger. Harry muttered an expletive under his breath as he saw the Galleon-sized bruise on the left side of her face.

Hermione muttered nervously, "Er, you see..."

"Did someone hit you, Miss Granger? You don't have to be afraid to tell me. That sort of behavior is not tolerated here."

"No, no," she said. "What happened is..."

"It was my fault," interrupted Harry, who was a much better liar than his girlfriend. He looked sincerely sorry. "I was running in the hall and accidentally knocked her into a wall." He looked at his girlfriend and sincerely said, "I'm sorry you got hurt." He then turned to the teacher. "I know running in the halls isn't allowed, so tell me my punishment."

McGonagall seemed torn on what to do. It sounded like a simple accident, and that Harry had learned his lesson. She decided to consult the victim. "Miss Granger, what sort of punishment do you believe Mr. Potter deserves?"

"None, Professor McGonagall," she responded quickly. "Harry didn't intend any harm toward me. He wasn't trying to push me and certainly not trying to bruise me. He feels bad enough about this as it is. I'd like to just drop the matter and begin our lesson."

Minerva smiled at the girl's thirst for knowledge. "While I agree with you that Mr. Potter had no malicious intent, I feel that he should receive some punishment for running in the halls." She turned toward him. "One point from Gryffindor."

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Immediately after class, Harry and Hermione went to the owlry, where Hedwig flew directly to Harry.

"Hi, girl, it's great to see you," he said, stroking her feathers. "I was wondering if you would mind carrying a letter from Hermione to her parents."

The owl moved her head down a bit, nodding in the affirmative. "Thanks, Hedwig," said Hermione, pulling a note out of her pocket and tying it to her leg. He then took the Time-Turner off his neck and put it around Hermione's before giving her a quick peck on the lips. "Here you go. Do I need to explain how to use it?"

"Not hardly."

As soon as the snowy owl flew away, Harry commented, "I wish I'd realized that all I had to do to keep her happy was to send Hedwig off with another letter whenever I wanted to use a different owl for something important." He turned to his girlfriend. "Are you ready?"

In response, Hermione grinned and closed her eyes in concentration. Harry watched as the love of his life morphed into a beautiful great horned owl with brown and white feathers.

"I wish my form could fly," commented Harry as he tied a note to Wings' leg. The pretty owl seemed to smirk at him. "Just remember to get it to Kingsley at exactly 9:43. That way he'll be too late to interfere with us and too early for Barty Sr. to hide his son's body. The owl nodded and flew away, stopping to peck him lightly on the cheek.

Once Wings was out of sight, Harry turned around and walked out of the owlry, opening the door to run into, "Hermione. I'll never get used to this. How'd it go?"

She glanced around to make sure no one could see and gave him a peck on the lips. "Perfectly," she said happily. "I even watched Shacklebolt pour veritaserum down Winky's throat." She paused, frowning. "I wonder what's going to happen to her."

"Probably get the sack," said Harry, shrugging. "She'll manage like she did last time. Maybe I'll see if I can hire her in awhile if she hasn't found a new master, once this mess is cleared up."

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