26. Courtesy of the Shadow

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"...The Shadow's real name is..."

"...Dolores Umbridge," said Susan, causing her rescuers to gasp.

"What?" exclaimed Harry.

"She used to be Senor Undersecretary to Fudge," replied the weary girl, "until she got drunk and wrecked something in the Department of Mysteries. My aunt told me Fudge was appalled and wouldn't even let her explain what had happened at her mock-trial."

"Your aunt was there?" asked Hermione.

"Yeah. I think Umbridge's time in prison made her even crazier than she was before..."

"The portkey's ready," interrupted Sirius/Terry. "It'll leave in five seconds, and we don't want to linger here anyway."

He handed a quill to Susan. "This will take you to the lobby of Saint Mungo's. Unfortunately, we can't come with you. Get well."

"Thanks," replied Susan before she disappeared.

"Let's get out of here," said Hermione, prompting all three of them to Apparate, but not before they got a glimpse of the Shadow of Pain leaving the Fidelius-protected house. She was thinner and paler than before - her skin looked almost white - and was wearing blood-red robes, but there was no denying her identity. The trio disappeared with a loud pop.

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"It's my fault!" screamed Harry before punching the wall in the Chamber of Secrets. He'd been in a daze since he heard the Shadow's name and hardly remembered getting back to Hogwarts. He certainly didn't notice Hermione assuring Sirius that she'd calm him down. He was in such a state that he didn't even notice the damage he was doing to his right hand. Hermione knew she had to stop him before he did damage she couldn't fix.

"IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT!" she shouted at him. "Now, stop before you hurt yourself worse!" She grabbed his hand, making him aware of his injuries.

"Ow! It is too my fault," he argued while she fixed his broken and bloody hand. "And you can say anything you want but the fact is that I did not have to set Umbridge up to go to Azkaban! I should've waited for you to return before..."

"We needed the Time-Turner before school began, so you were right to go on that mission." She sighed. "I laughed just as hard as anyone when I saw her picture in the paper from when she was arrested. There was no way to know..."

"I just had to have my revenge, didn't I? I should've known what the Dementors would do to someone like her. She was practically insane already. They drove her over the edge."

"She must've gotten out of prison just before we broke Sirius out," commented Hermione, realizing that nothing she said would absolve Harry of his guilty feelings right now.

"And immediately stole all the dark books she could find," added Harry, "and made herself powerful, so she couldn't go back to Azkaban. It's all my fault!"

Hermione sighed, realizing this was going to be a long night.

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Minister's Niece Rescued! Identity of the 'Shadow' Revealed!

By Anna Jesse

It would appear that Minister Bones has more support than just the aurors, because two private citizens that go by the aliases Tox and Sky managed to find and rescue Susan Bones. According to Head Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt, the duo has previously captured at least one Death Eater and turned him or her over to the Ministry, but Mr. Shacklebolt wouldn't reveal the identity of that criminal.

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