15. Escaping Azkaban

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On Saturday, February 29th, Harry and Hermione were sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall eating breakfast. Neville was sleeping in a bit late so they were alone. Harry was just spearing a sausage with his fork when a familiar white snowy owl came swooping into the room with the others.

"Hedwig," said Harry with a grin, "I see you've got my new comic." He carefully removed the latest issue of The Amazing Spider-Man from her while another owl approached Hermione. While he was looking at the cover of his parcel, Hermione took the Daily Prophet from the other bird and gave it some money. While it was flying off, Harry gave Hedwig a piece of sausage. "Anything interesting in the paper?" he asked.

"Some dodgy book shop in Knockturn Alley has been robbed and the owner was killed. Many books on dark magic were stolen."

"Really?" asked Harry. "Does it say what kind of spells are in those books?"

She ran her eyes down the article before finally shaking her head. "No, and according to this, the aurors have no leads as to who did it."

Harry leaned in closer to her before whispering, "Do you remember anything about it?"

"No," she quietly replied. "But I wasn't getting the Prophet at this time anyway."

In his normal voice, Harry said, "I'd best get to the Quidditch pitch for practice before Oliver comes and kidnaps me. I'll see you later." He winked.

"I'll walk you to the pitch," she replied.

"Okay." They both got up and left the Great Hall. Just before they got outside, they made their way into an empty room where no one could see them. They walked out of sight, but left the door open.

Checking her watch, Hermione said, "It's exactly 8:45." Harry pulled the Time-Turner out from under his shirt and put it around both their necks before spinning it twice. After putting on their Invisibility cloaks, they left the room and made their way off the grounds, finally apparating to their destination.

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"So," said Harry, staring at the fortress on the island that he could barely see, "this is Azkaban."

"Quiet," his companion admonished. "Remember the plan. We'll slowly work our way there and put a small hole in their wards that your form will be able to fit through."

"Should I change into Tox now?" he asked.

Rolling her eyes, Hermione asked, "Didn't you even glance at the plan? You'll need to stay a wizard and help until the hole is made. Then I'll maintain it." She sighed. "I hope you at least learned the spells."

"I did," he assured her. "and I did read the plan. I was just a bit excited."

"Alright. Let's begin."

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While Harry and Hermione were slowly working their way through one of the most complex warding systems in the wizarding world, following the plan made by the brightest witch of her age(s), no one inside had any idea anything was going on. That included the filthy, sickly-looking black dog that was lying on the floor of the grimy, dark cell.

'Grim,' thought Sirius, 'is a very appropriate form for me. My whole life, just about, has been very grim indeed.' The dog snorted slightly as he thought about the irony that even the name of the street he grew up on was Grimmauld Place, which sounded like the 'Grim old place' that it was. The only bright spot of his life was the time he spent with James, Remus, Lily and Harry. However, that was taken away far too quickly in one horrid night, all because he'd trusted Peter and convinced James and Lily to make him their Secret-Keeper. They were dead; Harry was taken to those horrid relatives Lily had spoken about. 'Why did I let Hagrid take Harry from me that night?' he asked himself for the millionth time.

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