Oh im so sorry.

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Prompt- Regina Mills 23 big time CEO of Mills & Co fashion industry. Her business is understaffed by one member and has been force to find a new worker.
Emma swan 23. Qualified fashion stylist. Unemployed looking for work.

Regina's POV.
Stupid people. Can't do a single thing right. And I'm not aloud to fire anymore people. I have about six interviews. Right now I'm on my way to granny's for a coffee. I see a beautiful blonde walking in my direction. My whole body flushed. My phone rang pulling me from my thoughts "Yes?" I snapped "okay whatever. I wasn't going to go on another date with you anyway- because your not my type- because you don't have boobs or a vagina. Now goodbye robin" I huff. Putting my phone in my bag I crash into someone. I'm on the pavement with lips pressed against mine. There so soft. My natural instinct is to kiss back so I do. We fell into a Rhythm. Wait. Why the hell am I kissing a stranger. I quickly push them back and see the beautiful blonde "oh I'm so sorry" she said scrambling to her feet and helping me up "it's okay dear. I'm Regina" "Emma" she said shaking my hand "well sorry to cut this short but I have to get my coffee before work" I say sadly "that's okay I have to go to an interview" "Well good luck anybody would be stupid not to hire such a beautiful women who kisses amazing" I said smirking as I seen her blush. "Well thank you Regina. But I have been told she's a bitch. Let's hope my charm will win her over" she said with a wink. I blushed. We went our separate ways.

I step out of my office not looking up "Emma swan?" I called out and walked back in. "Shut the door please" I asked once I knew she was behind me. I sit down at my desk "so miss swan tell me why you want this job" I asked and looked up at her she looked shocked. Oh god. It's the blonde. "Em-ma i d-didn't think I'd see you again" I add "I-I'm sorry about this morning miss Mills." She said professionally. "Call me Regina dear" I purr and she bites her lip. "Well okay. I'm so sorry about this morning Regina." She said "it's okay" "so I still have a chance at getting the job?" "Yes. In fact your hired" "What?! Your just going to hire me.?" "I trust you Emma and I don't know why because I don't trust easily." I say I press my office phone to phone my p.a "hello ruby can you send the rest of them home I've hired someone- yes just like that- yes I'm feeling fine." I snapped and hung up the phone. Just then ruby came bathing into the office. "Are you done with me? Us?" "Us? I'm sorry what?" "You know what I mean. Because some blonde is here are you just finished with me?" "Oh hunny there was never an 'us'. I told you from the beginning to feelings. No attachments. Just fun. I needed a submissive and you knew that. And I didn't say that was the end of it now did I?" Say the last part hoping to make Emma jealous. Ruby put her head down "Sorry miss mills." She said quietly "leave" I ordered and she walked up to me and tried to kiss me but I moved and pointed to the door. She walked out the office. "So how many sub-missives have you got?" "Just one. I had to fire the other two" "oh cool." "I have a question miss swan, what are you?" "I'm sorry?" "Are you submissive or are you dominant?" I ask and bite my lip. She clears her throat "both. I like being submissive I like pain and I like someone controlling me. But I like being dominant because I like pleasuring my submissive to the point where they almost pass out. And I like being in control" she states and crosses her leg. I wouldn't mind being her sub. I bite my lip. "I have a proposition for you em-ma" I say and walk around to her. I stand in front of her but with my back to her. So my ass is in her face. I hear her shift. "And what would that be?" "How about I be your opposite. When you want a sub. I'll be it and when you need a dominatrix. I will also be it.?" "No!" She says "no?" I ask still not facing her. She stands up and spins me around to face her and grabs my ass. I moan. "I can't." She whispers to my face "w-why?" I ask slightly disappointed "because. I like you to much to share. If it's me it's only me. I can't deal with the fact that you would be fucking your P.A aswell. I would want a relationship that's not just sex. I want to cuddle with you on the sofa watching films. Going on dates spending holidays together. And most of all I want people to know your mine and only mine." "Y-you want me to be your girlfriend? You don't just want sex?" I asked in disbelief. All anyone wants from me is sex. They only see me as a toy. That's why I treat others as toys. But I do want a relationship. I want to settle down get married have kids. "I just want you. I may have only just met you. But I don't want to be without you." She says with her hands still touching my ass and her nose on mine. "Yes" I breath and put my arms around her neck. "Yes?" "Yes I'll be your girlfriend" She leant in and kissed me I kissed back she squeezed my ass and I moaned slightly parting my lips and her tongue invaded my mouth. We fought for dominance but I lost she picked me up and placed me on my desk. My hands instantly scratched down her chest and stomach and I gripped onto her hips. Her hands went too the side of my face and in my hair scratching my scalp. "Miss mil-" we broke apart as we heard ruby. Looked so confused  because I was the one on the desk submitting. "What's happening. You said we weren't done." "First off ruby. We aren't a thing. And second. I no longer need a submissive." "What because of this bimbo?" "DO NOT CALL HER THAT! she's my girlfriend and I no longer need you. Your fired." Ruby ran out crying and I looked at Emma who's smirking "how many ex sub-missives or current subs do you have in this building.?" She asked jealously "quite a few. But only ex ones. Ruby was the only current one" "Well I have one request. We go outside into the main office and you submit to me in front of everyone. And since I don't start work until tomorrow how about you take the rest of the day off and go on a date with me?" "Okay". She smirks we discuss a plan and we both leave my office since Emma has her own car she has instructed me to go to a diner called granny's. We get into the main office and everyone is staring at us "I'll see you later babe" Emma says loud enough for the workers to hear. "Bye Babe" I say back she leans in and kisses me and her hands instantly go to my ass. My arms go around her neck. She picks me up and I squeal and giggle. She puts me down and pecks my lips. "Bye sexy" She whispers In my ear. I bite my lip "bye babe" I whisper lightly. And she leaves I look at the workers with a smile on my face. "I'm taking the rest of the day off you can all leave in and hour. And you can all have tomorrow off. We have no urgent orders." "Yes thanks miss Mills" I hear them say I smile and wave at them and leave. As I leave I hear Kathryn say "we all got to thank the blonde that had her tongue down her throat. She's clearly got Mills happy. Let's hope it's stays that way." They all agree and I leave to meet Emma.

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