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[ Haeun POV ]

I sighed and put my phone on the bed. I went to my closet and changed.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I quickly answer it without looking at the caller ID.

"Yeobusaeyo? " I said.

"This is Daniel. " The other side of the phone said.

"What is it? " I tried not to be rude.

"Have you heard that ur mom-"

"Yes, so jump to the conclusion. " I said impatiently.

"I'm picking you up the day after tomorrow at 12pm. Please pack the clothing for 3 weeks and remember to wear comfortable-"

"Daniel-ah. "

"Ne? " He asked.

"Can you please stop acting all caring and stuff? I don't like it when my teacher does that you know? All I treat you as is just my teacher. I don't want to be in a relationship with a teacher who my parents ask me to date. I just hate it. " I said, trying to make him understand.

"Haeun, are you saying that if I'm not your teacher you'll date me? " He asked, he sounds so hurt.

I'm sorry.

"No, don't you understand yet? You deserve someone better than me, you're a perfect guy, tall and got the looks but, I just won't cherish this all. " I said and continued, "Just go find someone better than me. "

After I said that, he hung up.

Why do I feel all guilty, aren't I too mean towards him?

After all, these are all my parents plans. Is not his fault, right? I just felt guilty.

[ Mark POV ]

I heard everything she said and what's going on.

Well, yeah. I kinda know her password so I just went in.

She looked down at the floor and sat on her bed. I know what she's thinking.

I walked towards her and sat beside her. She looked at me, shocked.

I chuckled at her reaction and she asked, "H-How you... "

"I know your password. Of course, since I'm your boyfriend. " I smirked and she stared at me.

"You heard everything? " She asked and I nodded.

I hugged her and put her head in my chest. I patted her back and said, "It's alright. You don't have to feel guilty or anything, it's just you, making sure that you only like one person. "

"And that person, is me. " I finished the sentence and smiled.

She hugged me back and started sniffing my clothes.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? " I asked curiously.

"You smell good. " She said and we laughed.

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