Chapter 3: Deduce

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Amelia's POV

It was now morning. I knew it exactly when the sun shined brightly into my sleepy eyes as I laid on the guest bed.

"Why must you come so soon?" I said to myself in a tired voice, referring to the morning. I got up, and put on a new set of clothing. Much preferred from the robes I was currently in.

I was sliding my dress on as I stood near the vanity. I noticed something about this room that I didn't before. This room seems very feminine.

After I finally managed to put my dress on, a picture of a woman that was on the dresser near the vanity caught my attention.

I eyed the picture, and the woman seemed rather nice within the frame. She had her brown curls pinned up, fancy clothing, and a hat that laid slightly on the side.

The only reasoning I had for this was that she's either a family member, or a close friend. But maybe... Could she have been a love interest to either Sherlock or John?

I was yet to find out, but I guess I would be out of my place to ask.

Suddenly, I jumped from a voice that was behind me.

"Amelia, breakfast is ready." I immediately turned around, and saw John standing at door.

"Oh-- um, thank you." I said, a little startled.

"Are you alright?" He asked, concerned.

"Certainly." I smiled. "You just gave me a fright."

"I'm quite sorry for that. But I will be heading downstairs now. Sherlock will also be joining us."

"Splendid. I'll be down in a second." I assured. He nodded his head, and I heard his footsteps going down the stairs.

I looked at the mirror in front of me, and put my brown hair into a fair bun. Then I left the room, and went downstairs.

"--Why thank you, I must say this is the best breakfast I've had in ages. Remind me, what did you use for seasoning?" I heard Sherlock's voice, as I made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"That's a secret that I plan on keeping." I heard a woman say. I walked into the kitchen, and saw John and Sherlock at the table, and woman with housekeeping attire on.

"Good morning." I said, looking at everyone; giving a light smile.

"Good morning Miss Lockhart. Please do join us. Let me welcome you." Sherlock said, beginning to get up but John stood up before him.

"No, Holmes sit down and eat. This is your first meal in 3 days. I'll assist her to the table." John said, pulling the chair out for me.

"Well that's not true." Sherlock responded.

"Eating cocoa leaves isn't exactly a full course meal. And you're hearing this from a doctor, so I do know what I speak." John assured.

"Touchy, touchy." Sherlock said, then placed a fair amount of egg into his mouth.

I went to sit at the table, and John pushed my chair back in; then taking his seat beside me.

"I hope you enjoy the meal Miss Lockhart. My name is Mrs. Hudson, and I am the housekeeper. I'm delighted for your stay." She smiled.

"Lord knows there needs to be a little estrogen within this home." I heard her say under her breath. I gave a light giggle.

"Why thank you Mrs. Hudson." I smiled, then began to eat the prepared food.

Sherlock wiped his mouth before he spoke.

"I was just deep in thought for a moment, and I realized something. I do believe that I haven't asked any questions about you yesterday. I might've accidentally passed the opportunity." He said, looking at me.

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