Chapter 4- In Which I Get An Actual Friend

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"I didn't mean to hurt you. Those kids made me." Dakota said, standing on the dock. I dried off, and was now carrying Juniper. She was growling a bit, but I shushed her. I was almost about to run away, but i decided not to. I was going to talk to him, whether I liked it or not. "How did they make you?" I nagged, and I could actually hear the venom in my voice. I was definitely not being nice, butI couldn't help it. I definitely couldn't be nice to one if the people who hurt me.

He looked taken aback, but continued with "they'd beat me..." He looked so lost in thought when he said that. I stopped walking, and looked at him. "What?" I asked, although I clearly heard him. "Yeah... the guys always hit me when I refused to make fun of you. I don't know what they had against you." He sadly replied, looking at me now. Now I felt like a huge jerk. He never even meant to hurt me in the first place!

Before I knew what I was doing, I hugged him, as it felt right. He was shocked at first, but hugged me back. I was tiny compared to him. I was only 5"3, and he looked to be about 5"9. "How'd you find this lake?" I asked him. Before I hugged him I set Juniper down, but when I released the hug she jumped back into my arms. "What? Oh, I came here after my mom and dad got into a fight. Something about my dad cheating or whatever. I found this after I took off into the woods." He answered, sitting back down on the dock. He looked sad, like he was remembering something tragic.

"Sorry. To make you feel better, my dad flipped on my mom when she got pregnant with me. Guess my mom was to head over heels with him to take care of me. Few drinking problems later, and now i'm her punching bag." I cried, letting soft tears roll. I wasn't sobbing, and I wasn't having that gross cry like after a traumatic event. I was just letting tears flow.

I sat down next to him, letting Juniper swim again. He wrapped me in a hug, and wouldn't let me push away. "I'm sorry..." he whispered, finally letting go after 5 minutes. "It's not your fault," I replied, "Well, instead of having a pity party, we should have fun in the lake."


And that's how a whole big splash war began. After I said that, we both dived in the lake. We swam calmly, and then he splashed me. I splashed him back, and then we were all sopping wet, having a grand old time. Juniper even joined in, slamming her snout against the surface of the water. It was fun, yet also calming. It was like I had none of my troubles here, and the whole world was only Dakota, Juniper and me.

Eventually we died down the splashing, and swam. It was a peaceful Sunday afternoon, with nothing to worry about. Of course we couldn't do this tomorrow, as Dakota would be at school and I would be stuck at home with my homeschool. "i'll see you at school?" Dakota asked, pushing himself onto the dock. Guess he didn't notice I was gone for so many years. Ok "Doubt it. I'm homeschooled." I replied, but I preferred going up to the bank and stepping out of the pond.

"Aww. Okay. Maybe i'll see you next weekend, my friend-o." He said, hugging me for a split second before leaving. I watched him go, and Juniper tried to follow. I held her though, because we certainly weren't chasing after some boy that I guess was now my friend? Did I make a friend? Eh, who cares, right? I'm totally not freaking out. I made an actual friend! Not just an internet one! Yes!

Juniper licked my face, probably sensing I was happy. This was probably the most happiness i've felt in a long time. I stood there for a minute, and turned around to go home. I grabbed my coat, and put it on. I stepped out of the clearing for the lake, and it was really cold. I was so confused as to how that happened, but I shrugged it off.

The forest didn't seem so grey. It looked yellow, with a splash of happiness. It looked like stars could pop up anywhere. Is this what happiness feels like? It felt good, and I could be here all day. Eventually the woods came to an end, and Juniper leaped into my arms. I dreaded going home, for my mom was probably going to hit me. Hopefully she was calm right now. Whenever she's calm and relaxed she never hits me, and I am always happiest on those days.

The roads seemed longer, and more swirly. I was probably going slower, but I enjoyed it. The longer away I was, the less i'd have to face my mother. I eventually came up to my house, and I could feel Junipers fur raise up. Something was probably up. I crept up to the house, and instead of going through the front door I went through my window. It's a perk of having a one story house with no foundation to it.

I lifted Juniper through it first, then I climbed through. I had a painful landing, as I landed on my back and slammed my head ok my floor. At least my mother didn't hear me. If she did she'd be barging into my room. I went to go to my computer, but it was gone. My phone was on my nightstand plugged up, but my computer was completely gone, as if it wasn't there at all.

I ran into the living room, and saw my mom boxing it up! "What. Are. You. Doing?!" I kind of yelled-asked. She looked up at me, and I immediately regretted yelling. Please don't hit me please don't hit me! I screamed internally, covering my head and cowering down.

"You're starting public school tomorrow." She sighed, finishing putting my computer in the box.

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