Chapter 3. Goodbye Forks, Hello Buffalo

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---- Back at home---

Bella's POV

"Nessie what do you mean thats not your only talent?" I said harshly but not meanly.

"Ok tell Auntie Rose to come here.

"Already done what do you need Nessie?" Rose said walking in t a unhumanily pace.

"Ok mom don't freak out and don't protect yourself. Auntie when I say ok don't be afraid to use your strength and punch my mom," Nessie said looking at us like she was scared,"Ok."

Nessie's POV

"Ok mom don't freak out and don't protect yourself. Auntie when I say ok don't be afraid to use your strength and punch my mom," I said then I did my best to project my whatever its called over my mom and said, "Ok."

Auntie Rose drew her arm back and punched my mom but, she didn't feel it, she did not even notice. "Ok now mom do the same to Aunt Rose."

She did and the same thing happened Aunt Rose didn't even flinch. "Nessie! How did you do that?

"Well I used it once with Dad and Uncle Em but I didn't know so now I have just been practicing, I have known for about a month and all I do is put whatever this is called over a vase then punch it, and it doesn't move!"

"Well, Rose I think we should tell her. But lets have everyone together."

"Ok I will go get everyone." And then Auntie Rose was gone and seconds later she was back with everybody, "Ok Ness we have some news. You know we are moving to New York," She looked back at everybody confirming she should tell me, "Well, Alice saw someone, waiting there for us she couldn't tell who it was because they werent facing toward her but there will be someone."

"Well were leaving tomorrow to get all the furniture so jst have a gun or something, just be ready."

"Ness, thats the thing there skin was glimmering in the sun, but not like ours, and they had a tan skin tone. They would be pale if they were one of us and their skin would not glimmer if it was a human."

"Well what if thats their skin color so they aren't as pale, like what if you were a black person your skin would be black then they wouldn't be pale white."

"Nessie thats very true it could be native american so, that might be it, so everyone either be ready for a fight and or a new family member or friend."

In Buffalo New York on the 2 mile long driveway.

Bella's POV

I pushed my shield completely around Edward so he could hear my thoughts,the second I did that, he whipped his head toward me. I thought, What if it is someone we know? he shook his head, Probably not, but what if there is more, like what if its the, my thoughts choked up, the volturi?

I watched carefully as he considered that thought, then he spoke, "Possible, but Alice would have seen, she has always watched Aro, Marcus and Caius' decisions."

"Unless, they are pulling a Victoria. They might be trying to get back at us, because of what happened 5 years ago. What if they aren't the ones making decisions, just like before?"

"Ok thats a big chance, let me call Carlisle he might have an idea."

Edward's POV

During phone call

"Carlisle Bella just thought of something."

'What is it Edward."

"What if its the volturi," I asked, while sort of explaining,"But Alice didn't see it because they wanted it to be a surprise, what if they wanted to get revenge for 5 years ago."

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