Today Is The Day

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Sorry guys I haven't updated in a while. I just started this book, and only wrote a few chapters but I kind of have writers block. But hopefully I can continue to write this book with the help from you guys. Xoxo.

Today is the day. I thought as I was looking at myself in the mirror, I was in the middle of putting make-up on to cover my bruises. They are pretty bad, they're worse today than they was yesterday. You can still see perfectly that I have a black eye, the left side of my face is all bruised up.
My lip is dried up with blood and is really big. The make-up did cover up a lot of my bruises though.

It is currently 3 o'clock and Hunter still hasn't left to the bar. I'm starting to feel like he's onto us some how. I can't stand being in this house for one more day. Literally, who knows if I stay in this house any longer, I may get beat so bad to the point where I'll be crippled one day.

I feel like my mom, and I may never make it out of hunters hold on us. I feel like he is gonna forever have this hold on us. Even if we do get away he's gonna haunt us for the rest of our lives. We're gonna be walking around wondering if he'll find us or what his next move is gonna be. What if we do manage to get in that car and drive? Will he find us in just a few hours? What if he does find us and kills us for trying to leave him? I stare at myself through the mirror and start sobbing, clutching at my stomach because,of the pain that shot through it from the beating from the last nearly decade.

That's when I heard the door slam downstairs, and I knew he left. I ran downstairs to see my mom staring out the window that goes to the front of the house.

My mom.yurned towards me and said "he said if we try anything, that he's gonna kill us." The fair in her voice is something I never want to hear again. I hate seeing my mom so broken and hopeless. I've seen her like this  for too long and I'm determined to get her out of it.

"That's exactly why we aren't going to try anything, we're going to do it. Mom I promise we're gonna get out of this." I promised her. My voice coming out determined.

I run upstairs to my room and grab both of our suit cases. I look over to my mom to find her in the same spot next to the window. 

"Come on mom. This is our chance to leave, this is our chance to start a new life without Hunter. We can do this, this isn't the time to second guess our selves." She looked over at me and, I seen something in her eyes I never seen before, I seen hope and determination, but I still seen fear.

She walked up to me and grabbed one of the suit cases. We walked out the door and to the car. I turned towards the house, and just thought of all the bad memories that it held.

I got into the drivers seat of the car and my mom got into the passenger seat. And I knew from this moment on that we was going to be okay.

Okay guys this is very very very very short! I just haven't updated in a long while. But I promise that the next one is gonna be a very long  chapter. I can't wait to write the next one. I no longer have writers block so I'm gonna update a couple chapters within the next couple days. But please bare with me. I know some people don't like short book chapters, and I'm one of them people  so I would just stop in the middle of a book if the chapters are to short. But I'm gonna make them longer from here on out.

Until next time my lovelys. Vote,comment, share. #thanksforthe votes!

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