*Chapter Seven*
*As I layed on my bed I couldn't help but being nervous it was Friday morning. Most of the week I had been alone with everyone doing there jobs no one had time to even stop bye and say hi. Not like I cared I was used to being alone with only Smoke and Hiss to keep my company.
It was only 6am and most people were asleep but not me. I just stayed in bed my head against my soft pillow watching the ceiling. What was I going to wear? How should I do my hair? Should I wear makeup? What color should I wear? What was Jamies favorite color? Was he nervous to? But most importantly Why did I care?
No matter how many time I told myself I didn't I knew I did.My hands swett and ashed fell from the ceiling onto my bed. I had to clear my head I slowly rolled myself out of bed. Once my feet hit the floor I left the room. I didn't care if my hair was a mess or the fact I was still in my nightgown.
I made my way to the stables. Smoke layed asleep I open the door and shut it behind me leaving the top part opened. I sighed atleast she could sleep. Quetly I sat next to hee laying my head on her side.She opened her eyes a little and closed them again moving her wing to cover me up.Smiling I decided to try to get a little more sleep.
"Um what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.
"Um well...I.." Jamie stuttered.
It was 7:30am and everyone was inside either sleeping or getting ready for the day.Jamie had tooken the day off and I think it was for him and Blazes date later. I looked at at him as we walked around the garden.
"Jamie you can tell me anything!" I assure him.
"Okay her it goes...I really want to impress Spark but I don't know how and I don't know what to do on this date I mean I been on so many dates and I have never been as nervous as I am now and I really don't want to mess things up with your sister ever since I metter her I got this warm happy feeling inside we haven't talked much and I want to make her happy but I don't really know what she likes I was wondering if you would know?" he ranted.
My eyes widen for two reasons One Jamie reall liked Blaze Two he said that all in one breath. I stopped walking at looked at him with a smile.
"I don't know much about her I used to but I somehow forgot it all I really wish I could tell you things about what she likes and how to impress her but I cant my best advice would be to be yourself," I tell him "And I think that would make her happy your a great man Jamie just be who you are."
"But what if she doesn't like me?" he asked.
"Jamie she will just trust me!" I said.
"Okay Elsa thanks for the advice" he hugged me when we pulled away I heard a familiar scream.
My eyes wide Blaze!! I ran as fast as I could towards the stables.I pulled open the door only to find it jammed. I could her my sisters cry.
"Blaze!" I screamed.
Jamie pushed me away from the door and kicked it open the doors broke open my eyes widen as I saw My sister on the floor. Black sand circled the room. The horses and dragins where going crazy.Smoke stood near Blaze stomping each time her foot hit the ground Blaze rolled away to aboved it.
Just then the dargon raised onto its back two bring the front ones down just before the could crush Blaze Jamie pulled her into his arms and off of the floor.Smokes feet hit the floor craking the wood.Every animal charged towards us ot was then I realized it wasn't us they were after it was just Blase.
Ice shot from my hands before anyone could reacted creating a wall of ice separating us from the Dragons and Horses.Jamie let got of Blaze who sunk to her knees and looked at the ice and listening as the dragons and the horse tried breaking through.
Just then Hiccup ran in followed by the others and I held me hand telling them not to speak or move. Blaze didn't move or speak she just sat there with a broken look.Like someone had just died in her arms. I hesitated for a moment befor sitting next to her. I reached out to put my hand on her shoulder put quickly changed my mind and set my hand in my lap.
"Blaze," I whispered, "What happened?"
She open her mouth but nothing came out just air. I watched as she turned to look at me tears in her eyes. All she did was shake her head for a moment before opening her mouth again.
"Nightmares," was all she managed but it was enough.
"I seen black sand," I said.
"Sand?" Blaze whispered "What sand?"
"You said Nightmare Pitch makes them using black sand," Jack explained, "If you didn't see the sand how did you know there were Nightmares."
"I heard them," she spoke softy, "I had came out here to see Smoke and found she was asleep like the rest of the animals so I layed next to her and went to sleep, I woke up to Smoke knocking me in the head with her wing, she seemed frightened as were the others they all started to go crazy stomping, It was then I heard them,"
"A terrible sound I must say.....fear I could hear there fears being screamed through the air including my own, I tried to calm them but they ignored me it was then the fear screamed louder I decided I need to get help so I ran out of Smokes stall it was then she knocked my to the floor and then started to stomp me they all started to attack,"
"I knew instantly as more fear was shouting that the cause had been caused by Pitch, I also knew that I had to get out or I would be killed, so I screamed hoping someone would hear me, and you did when Jamie pulled me away from being squashed I caught a glimpse in Smokes eyes..."
"Fear," she finished and she started to cry."I wanted to make it go away like she did for me all them years but I can't I don't know how!"
"Shh its okay!" I tell her hugging her.
She stiffened for a moment before hugging me back.Her skin was hot but it didn't bother me at the moment. We didn't move for what seemed like hours when we pulled away she smiled. It was sad but at least it was something.
Carefully we both got up everything was silent her eyes widen and she turned to run to the ice wall.I pulled her back and shook my head.
"Hiccup will make sure they are okay and well all you need to do is follow me okay and come eat some breakfast" I tell her.
She nodded and we walked away from the stables Anna followed not to fare behind everyone else stayed to b help Hiccup.As we walked I realized something that hadn't struck me as hard as before. Pitch Was back...

Secret Twin (On Hold)
أدب الهواةIt was said long ago two children would be born with powers one of ice and one of fire. One child would face a time of isolation the other would face a time of jealously. The one thing they would both face would be loneliness. These two when togethe...