Chapter 6

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I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Today that feeling is magnified. I feel like the earth is caving in on me all at once

With Alice

And I know, I know I said I'd forget about her, but it really isn't as easy as it seems. It's like trying to forget something that's intrinsic to your being, something that without, you wouldn't really be the same. My world stops spinning as I finally see him as I saw his eyes filled with happiness

"I have a surprise that I think you'll love," He says that it squeezes out the need for me to reply

"And what is that?" I asked with a smile on my face wondering what this 'surprise' is

Behind the wall beside him he pulled out something black. My smile slowly slipped from my face into a face of pure terror

"I found her wandering in the studio," he said cheerfully petting her softly

I looked at the thing he had in his hands it was all so familiar. The sleek black fur, the piercing green eyes that stared dead into my soul, and I shall not forget the claws that was waiting to come out

What he had was a Black Cat

I believed that in my theory or kind was afraid of these type of things which gave out bad luck. But, bad luck wasn't in my opinion. My opinion was fear. I seriously hated cats to be honest, I was afraid of them too. I didn't want any contact with it. 'Cause Henry brought in cat which I was very excited to play with until that thing scratched my face leaving claw marks on my eye, I cried because I was small during that time

"W-What is that thing doing in here?" I asked as he came a step closer, I back up a little

"You don't like cats?" He asked, confusion clearly written on his face

What kind of question is that? He knows in my kind seriously dislike anything that's in the cat family. Anything demonic hates cats, atleast that's what I think from the books I've read

"I'm afraid of them Boris,"

He started coming towards me with the cat staring at me with it's vicious green eyes.

"Come on she won't bite just pet her," He said holding the cat out in front of him

"That's the same thing Henry said and the result didn't end well now did it?" I said in a matter-of-factly tone

He just rolled his eyes setting her on the bed as she came walking to me. She just looked at me and hissed, all hairs stood on end; her tail was raised high in the air. I did the only thing that popped in my mind

I kicked it

"Bendy!" Boris yelled

"What part 'I'm afraid of them' did you not understand!" I yelled back

He rolled his eyes picking it up stroking it behind it's ears which she purred nuzzling into his hand. I can't even know how Boris can be so gentle with it, I can eat it if I wanted too. But, on second thought I might as well not since I don't eat that much animals anymore. I stopped eating them when I turned 16, I still have the cravings however

"Like I said B she won't bite," He said still stroking it

"Well, I don't want you coming near me until you get rid of that thing," I said pointing at it

"I'm setting her next to you, You have to come in contact in one someday instead of running away from it," He said rolling his eyes

"I said don't come near me until you get rid of it,"

He sighed whilst walking over to me. He started walking closer; I backed up further

"Boris I'm not playing with you don't come near me,"

He set the cat back on the bed and stood back. I wrapped my tail around my body out of fear. Why out of all things it had to be a cat more specifically a black one? Boris is sleeping on the floor tonight. I don't care if it is his room

The cat came closer with it's green eyes staring dead at me. I slowly stood up opening the window behind me, I then took the opportunity to grab the cat throwing it out the window closing it afterwards. From the window it's a 65ft drop, I don't really care at this moment

(Bendy X Boris) My Little Devil DarlingWhere stories live. Discover now