Chapter Four

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" jeff, you are aware of the consequences of refusing to grab her pills? THEY ARE PRETTY FUCKING BIG! just get the pills or I will stich your smile together."      " you're such an asshole Eyeless. I love my gorgeous smile,  that is the only reason I am even going." 

" shit she's waking up, I'll get toby to stay with her and keep her calm while you go grab the pills and  keep the others from coming in."       

my eyes slowly crack open and a sharp throb rang throughout my  head,  bright lights hit my eyes and i could feel everything in my body moving, pumping. I glance over to my side and see Uncle Ej, his void like eyes seemed to burn holes into my own eyes "and that is why you need to tell us about whether or not you are on pills Jack." I blink and realize I didn't pay attention to anything he just said, maybe he realized that too.  i sigh and slowly  sat up my entire body aching in pain from landing harshly on the ground. what was that dream? who the hell is zalgo? and powerful? me?  I glance down at my hands seeing the scared tissue and the marks of where Ej had to stitch my hand. I am not even close to powerful, if not taking my pills can knock me out.  " For fuck sakes someone just go get tic tac!"  my electric blue eyes snap towards the voice; thy meet  Jeff's charcoal ones, the white around his eyes seem to become almost yellow, due to the fact he cannot blink.  I look around the makeshift hospital room and see that an IV drip, is  implanted into my left arm. the liquid within the IV is yellowish but somehow at the same time it is clear.... I rub my eyes and glance over at a mirror. my eyes seemed to be even more bright, the black marking around my eyes seemed to begin peeking from the sides of my neck... and my arms... is it taunting me? tmy pale skin just seems  enhance the black effect of them. the soft freckles that lay across my nose and under my eyes seem to almost be gone, my small nose didn't stand out that much. it reminded me of a button; curly white hair framed my face in waves that seemed endless, my lips chapped and  were somehow magically  still plump. "... -shit- you guys are suppose t-to -cock- w-watch over her!!" The scent of waffles and maple syrup filled the room as my  uncle toby sat there  with such a pissed off expression even I began to cower in fear.  the room was deadly quiet and no one dared to speak... well besides jeff. " whatever tic tac, slendy didn't care enough to tell us, so why should we?" Ej looks away slightly and doesn't speak a word while jeff and uncle toby have a stare down.  " Toby, have you seen Masky anywhere?" a older girls voice rang through out the room and as she entered I realized there wasn't one girl, but two.  both of there frames reached to be about 5'4", one was quiet following they other. " Delilah, K-kat, -shit- I don't k-know, p-probably -fuck- eating ch-cheesecake." the one who spoke nodded and the quiet one made eye contact with me and tugged on the other ones shirt. " what is it Delilah?" the one by the name of Delilah had purple and black hair that seemed to be perfectly healthy. the one who I assume must be kat considering uncle tic tac only mentioned two names, they both stared at me with wonder and curiosity. I stare back, they both seem to be way older then me... probably around 13 or maybe 14. " Who is she?" the girl who spoke earlier asked with a kinda rude tone, I sighed guessing she didn't mean to come across as rude.  " I'm Jack, I was brought here by my adoptive father Jeff, well until we figure out who my real father is I must be with at least uncle ej or uncle toby or jeff at all times due to how other pastas like to act." I finish my sentence  as they stare at me before kat laughs and walks up to me, She smiles and holds out a hand. " Welcome to the pasta house kid, I'm Kat and that is my sister Delilah, she's a little shy when I'm not around but is extremely loud when either Masky or I, am around." she holds out her hand for me to grasp, I slowly put my hand with hers and shake it.  she grins and walks back to her sister and they leave the room, now it was back to the deafening silence these men were able to hold up. " okay, I know I'm twelve and shouldn't say this, but fuck this shit! I am sick of you guys being like this, man up and stop acting like babies! it's stupid watching deadly killers act like fucking five year old's fighting over who gets the last cookie. man up. seriously. " as I finished my mini rant they stared at me... I thing Ej is, I can never tell. but jeff and toby are and they look down slightly ashamed, but jeff quickly snaps back up and grins. " I am sooooooooo sorry tic tac." sarcasm laced his voice so heavily that even a baby would know it's a lie. uncle toby stared back before uncrossing his arms. " S-someone j-just -fuck- take he-her back to th-the room!" He glanced at me before walking out, jeff looked at me and stood up. "You heard the man, lets bring the IV drip and pole down to your room and make you, go to sleep!"  as he said those last words he began to cackle in this chilling way, I remember hearing this laugh often within my head. sometimes it sounded like nails on a chalk board and other times it sounded like someone who smokes five packs of cigs a day. I stand up, my bare feet softly hitting the wooden floor as I grab the movable pole with my medicine in it. Ej walks beside me as we walk towards the stairs, he lifts the pole gently and carries it so that I won't have to. the needle in my arm slightly tugged as I was in a rush to just be within my own room, or chambers... whatever ya call it.  " jack.... jackkk. yooooo, short stuff!" I glance over at jeff and then at Ej, they point towards my open door, as I walk through I hear jeff whisper something and laugh. but I heard what he said, I heard every syllable. I walk to my bed and change into a black tank top and grey sweatpants with white fuzzy socks, trust me being below the house is freezing. I lay down and close my eyes, jeffs words dance in my brain as I slowly fell asleep.                    

                      " How long will it take till she catches the attention of zalgo? I hope soon!"  

                                ----------- dream------------

                    hey, look over this way, I glance and see the same mirror from last night. I see my  older reflection and smile slightly, she smiled and stepped out of the mirror. " hey, like I said yesterday. i'm  you but older, so I guess you must have questions?"   I rub my head and something pops up. " how do we get that scar?"    she moves uncomfortably and sighs, " I cant tell you that...... it involves a lesson we must learn.. so just wait?" I nod " how about our power? when do I first discover it?"  she chuckles and sighs. " you  mean powers, they come at different times. you discover them in the moments of need, i'll give you a hint. one happens within your training with that fucker masky." I smile. she smiles back before stepping back through the mirror.

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