Chapter Two

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The cabin seemed to be extremely old as the gates in front of it were rusted. It looked as if somone were to touch it the entire gate would crumble to dust. the taller male who brought me here walked forwrd and opened the gate and much to my surprise it didn't break, he walked up to the house as i slowly followed. the door opend and revealed a very short male, shorter than me. wearing a links costume and his eyes were black but the center was red. he had tiny elf ears and a green had that sat on top of his blonde hair. he did a fist bump with the male that brought me here, he then made eye contact with me. I was a couple inches maybe a foot behind the tall guy. " ew Jeff , why'd you bring this mortal?" so the guy that brought me here was Jeff.... interesting. " Because BEN slender wanted her.." Jeff waved his hands around, I couldn't help but question what was going on.. but not now- "he said something along the lines that she is a prodigy? Whatever the hell that means." sand midget is BEN. from the looks of it BEN and Jeff have a semi close friendship, I sigh and walk up next to Jeff and hold his hand because that's what kids do right? " Uh, kid.... why the fuck are you holding my hand?" Jeff questioned with slight annoyance laced in his voice, BEN snickered and walked away or floated?!? " I'm nervous, and this is what kids do with a older person in unknown areas?" He looked down at me his face smiled became bigger if possible, his laugh was deep and raspy just as I remember it. " you make me laugh kid. maybe I won't kill you, yet." he let go of my hand walked into the cabin and started to climb up the stairs, I quickly chase after him but I was stopped by a girl, she had a clock in her right eye from this angle. but if I were to stand how she is, it would be left eye. she had stiches at the corners of her mouth, she wore a white tank top that seemed to have some stains... mostly blood stains. she paired that with a teal zip up sweater with black jeans and biker gloves. her other eye was a green, it could be taken as unsettling or comforting. Her hair was a redish brown color, she held a blood stained knife in her hand. " Your time is up." she said but as she was about to swing down my body reacted and I moved out the way, some sort of fog laced me up and I lost control in my body... it was something snapped and another person was In control. I felt my gums being poked and slices, I felt my mouth and it feels as if ever tooth was replaced with fangs. I glance up at the girl she stared at me with curious eyes. But then she ran at me, I watched from inside my head like it was a movie. I ran at her and stepped aside and tripped her, she landed harshly, with a heavy thud that sounded funny. I watched myself flip her over and grab her right arm and sank my teeth into it, her screams echoed in the room as I ripped away. Her flesh tasted like heaven and I wanted more, no I needed more. as I went down to sink my teeth into her veiny wrist, she pushed me away and held her bleeding arm. I grinned as my eyes darkened to a navy blue, her flesh was stuck between my teeth. I now understood why cannibals existed, I also realized I now had full control again... I rushed out of my thoughts when I crashed to the floor with a heavy weight on top. " I said. your FUCKING TIME IS UP BITCH!" I closed my eyes waiting for the sharp blade to pierce my skin, but it didn't. only static rang loudly through my head. I grab the sides of my head, the girl fell off me. her eye watering as tears flowed, I gasp as my ears started to bleed. everything blurred and before I knew I could realize what was happening.. it went dark.

( a few hours later)

"Slender she needs to know who her father is!" a voice seem to whisper but I caught it, everything seemed dark like the lights were flicked off. "She's too young, and I don't think he is able to take care of anyone. once they find out, they will kill her in revenge for what he has done. she must gain the trust of others before we reveal who her father is." My eyes slowly peeled open only to be blinded by a bright light, I blinked a few times and turned my head only to see a tall faceless man. he worse a black suit with a red tie, his head was a pastey white. I blink and smile softly, It's not a pity smile but a genuine smile. " Mister, are you the 'famous' slenderman? are you? you're actually not so terrifying." he looks startled and his hand twitched as if he was getting upset, he then sighed and spoke inside my head. " Listen child, you make call me slender, slenderman. not slendy or slenderp. my main goal is for you to become a great proxy as you already took down one with sheer instincts..... I want to help train you and when you are ready. I shall reveal who your father is, but for now; jeff will be you adoptive father and you will have two uncles, Ticci Toby and Eyeless Jack. These three were told to protect you from when we have the rest of the pasta's come over, most of the rest of us live by our selves. but we meet up in this cabin every night for dinner. " I nod trying to take this all in, I have two uncles and my 'father' is jeff... got it. " So mr.slender may I please meet those who are gonna be part of my main 'family'?" he nods and he disappears out of thin air, I sigh and close my eyes only then to remember what happened the girl with the clock eyes. I wonder who was in control? was it another part of me? or was it me but It felt like I was watching? a loud sigh escapes and I lift a hand to feel around my mouth only to realize my sharp teeth were gone and were back to normal, I take a deep breathe... " WHAT THE HELL KNOCK PLEASE!" Slender sighs? and gestures to the front of me, there is two men. one had his hood up; his outfit was entirely black besides his mask. his mask was blue with no mouth or nose just empty black holes for eyes with this black tar stuff, the second one was slightly shorter but different. he wore orange goggles paired with a striped mouth guard that look like a smile, his outfit was a grey hoodie with black pants. he had two hatchets on his side, his brown hair was messy. " H-hel-lo j-ack I-m t-t-toby." he stutters and all of sudden tics saying fuck, the guy next to him sighs. " I'm eyeless jack but call me EJ." I nod silently and that's when I say something risky. " What are you?" the two look at slender and he nods. " Child we are a group of killers called creepypasta and you have been chosen due to who your dad is and the fact your sanity is cracking." my sanity... is cracking... I stare at them and I sigh. " so when the hell do I start training?" the atmosphere changes and slender smiles.. fuck,

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