Chapter Five

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(okay quick a/n, this song might look bad but biiittcch, fuck me up. also quick disclaimer for the rest of the book for self-harm and drug and drinking abuse. look at that, it was a inspiration for the end of the chapter.)

recap;    " jeff, you do know the consequences of not getting her pill? they're pretty fucking huge!"                                          I stare at the two girls, both the same height, but so different.                            I walk towards my room with jeff and EJ behind me                                                                                                                                                                                                      " I hope zalgo finds her soon."

thumping , loud painful thumping, ringing throughout a trapped cage with walls to echo and bounce off of. this cage is my brain, and the painful thumping never ceases, no matter how many pills slide down my throat.  the dream appeared again... should I tell mr.slender? I use the     IV arm to help me I sit, by mistake of course;  the IV was in my most used arm.  " Toby I swear to god, shut the fuck up!"  I grab the IV pole and  walk towards the door as the arguing continues and gets louder. " Y-You wanna k-know -fuck- what! you're a piece of shit! A USLESS PASTA! WH-WHO J-UST FUCKING EATS KIDNEYS! a-atleast -shit- I care a-about her!" I stare, silent. frozen in place, my thoughts racing. uncle toby apparently never stutters when raging... interesting. " you're right, I don't care about her. I only tolerate her because slender assigned me to her, id love to dissect her and study her body, wonder what makes her tic. I want to study her, I want to completely destroy her before killing her, I don't care, I want her too suffer."         I felt something wet slide down my cheek, it feel off my face and landed on the floor with a tiny splat. my hand quickly whipped it away,  I reached for the door with my hands shaking heavily but when my hand touched the door it opened quickly and toby stood there twitching slightly while Ej's body language  read pure hunger and rage, but was able to slightly hide it.  I stare at the both of them before slamming the door close in their faces, I walk over to my bed. I sink into it and stare at the roof. the cold cemented room  wrapped it's arms around me, the cold nipping at all the open skin and crawled it's way to my bones.  " Delilah, kat, don't go in there!" a deep voice boomed as the door opened and the two girls from yesterday walked in.  they glance over at my thin frame then they stared at the pole holding my medicine, I could see something click within both of their heads.  " Jack, are you okay?" Delilah spoke, her voice was soft but had a hint of strain to keep calm. I nod and explain how I need medicine for this condition I have of which I cannot remember, due to it takes some of my memory's and can alter them.  " don't worry Delilah, I have lived with this for 12 years.... I get used to it." her head shakes up in down while kat seemed to get lost in her own thoughts, a sigh rippled through the room as a man in a girly mask stared at the three of us with wonder but frustration.  its almost seems as if he can't believe the girl Delilah spoke to me, now believe me I was a little surprised too. but I heard from kat she only gets comfortable around her sister, masky, and uncle toby. " girls, let's go.. she needs to be left alone, clearly she isn't as strong as slenderman made her seem." they looked over at me and then left without a word, the door clicked silently. I close my eyes and fall into my thoughts, that feeling, that oh so bad feeling sunk in.  Jack, you know... you know they don't want you here.. and if your father truly loved you he wouldn't have left you at that terrible orphanage! You know what we used to do right love? we used to grab those beautiful shiny, cold, and perfectly sharp blade. you remember the feeling of it slicing as the blood dripped out the wounds... you could always turn to that! hehehe.. don't ignore me jack, we don't want that precious eyesight to leave again? hmmmm?                                                                                                                                                                                                        no... please not again. I could hear their sinister laugh as my body moves to the bathroom, the IV needle ripped out from my arm. the  needle hit the ground as I walk past the doorway, the cabinet door opened and their smiling face was caught in the reflection. the blade sat peacefully on the bottom shelf as my pale and bony hand grabbed it, I could feel the atmosphere instantly become tense. I felt a wet drop of blood slide down my wrist,  the blade kept going until my entire wrist to elbow was bleeding.  " jack? JACK!" I glance towards the person I least expected.

                         " Delilah?"

                                                          - 1 day later-

" Ej this is all your fucking fault! I heard you and toby yelling, do you think that was a smart thing to do? I swear you have a thick skull!"          I blink and bright lights met my eyes, I glance over at two blurry figures. " Jack? you're awake!" I smile weakly, everything began to fade again as the heart chart showed a straight line. " SOMEONE GET SLENDERMAN RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

                                                                    -10 hours-

                                          she's dying, and it was because I didn't realize me and Ej were fighting outside her door. I bring the burning liquid towards my mouth and swallow it all in one gulp, the smell of weed was swirled throughout the room. I promised to never get close to anyone again, after I let Delilah and kat in...  I almost lost them. but  jack somehow got in and made her way through my blood,  implanted herself in my heart and made me begin to care again.. I bring the blunt to my lips as my hand twitched, it fell to my lap and burned my pants and began to touch my thigh. I couldn't even feel it... ha.... ha... " HAHAHAHAHAHAHA IM FU-FUCKING NUMB! HAHAHA" insane laughter left my mouth, it rang through the room with such speed all you could hear was my laughter. 


I was in the dark mirror room again, my older self sat by the mirror with a knowing expression. " hey there love, the voice came back huh? thought it would be longer... but here we are." I rush into her arms and  sob into her shoulder. " I-I didn't m-mean too! s-she always f-fucking comes back!" I cried and cried, she just sat there holding me. " I know. I mean I am your older self, but trust me. one day, we get rid of her; for good." I look into her eyes " promise me?"  " I promise, no go back.. now is not your time."           

                                                                     -the next day-

         " Slender, why wont she wake up? " , "because child, she is resting while her body heals."                    their voice laughed and echoed throughout my head.  I don't want her to feel satisfied. I slowly open my eyes and blink a few times, I sit up and glance around... " what happened?" my hoarse voice croaked out, I looked down at all the wires connected to me. " you tried to commit suicide."             I nod and look at my wrist wrapped up with specks of blood slightly leaking through, I promised to never let her gain control, but look at where we fucking are. " Forgive me, I wasn't in the correct mental state. I will take any sort of punishment." my head bows in shame, a tiny gasp rings through the room and arms wrap around me. " You don't need a punishment, what you need is someone to help and guide you. you need a friend to lean on, you deserve to be happy and kill humans in peace." I glance up a Delilah as a tear runs door my face. my arms wrap around her as I sob into the crook of her neck, my entire body shakes as sobs rack my body without mercy.  " WHY AM I SUCH A MISTAKE?" my voice screams out and I cannot hold back my emotions everything raced through my mind. I couldn't be seem like this! I push Delilah away gently, a smile etches itself onto my face. 

                                                                        " thank you"

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