Chapter 7: Mystery Solved

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"John!" A bright voice shouts, relieving my frustration some.

I turn to see Miss Swift approaching. "Hello, how are you today, Miss Swift?" I ask.

"Very well, thank you. Though, we're resorting all the books in the whole library. My goodness, it's so tiring." She replies.

I laugh a bit. "I can imagine."

"You seem to be on break. Why don't you come join us for an early lunch? Mr. Raven could use the company." Crow invites.

"You say that as if I have no friends." I state.

"You mean, you have friends?" Miss Swift asks in mock disbelief, putting a hand above her chest to emphasize.

I sigh. "Ha, ha. Now, are you coming or not?"

"I would love to." She states.

We walk back to my place again, entering. Crow searches for what to make as Miss Swift and I sit down. I start to think to myself, not entirely sure where to go for clues next.

"What's got you sour?" Miss Swift asks me, breaking me out of thought.

"We've hit a dead end in the case." Crow replies for me.

"Oh... Well, I'm sure something will come up." She consoles.

"I'm not so sure." I mumble before sighing. "And, just as everyone was starting to trust me more than the police."

Miss Swift looks at me, confused. "How so?"

"Well, when we first got the case, Miss June Sparrow came to get us before the police." Crow explains.

Miss Swift looks to him now. "Why, that's strange. I mean, what reason would she have to retrieve you two before them?"

I shrug, putting my hands in my pockets. My face twists in confusion, as my hand runs over my handkerchief. Then it all clicks. I stand up suddenly, causing Miss Swift to stand up with me in surprise.

"That's it... That's it! Miss Swift, you're brilliant!" I shout, holding her face in my hands for a second.

I start to exit, stopping in the doorway to face a baffled Crow and Miss Swift.

"I am?" She questions.

"Yes, you are." I reply. "Mike, gather every one at the bakery. I'll get the police."

"Yes, Mr. Raven!" He exclaims out of habit. "Wait, what's it?! Wait! Mr. Raven! You didn't even eat lunch! Mr Raven!" He scolds, but I'm already out the door and gone.

I enter the station. "Officer Nighthawk, get the evidence. You two," I say, pointing at two random Pidgeon officers. "Come with me and Officer Nighthawk as well."

"Raven, what in God's name do you think you're doing?!" Mr. Goose yells, furious.

"A reveal. Join us, if you like. I've just solved the mystery." I explain before leaving.

The officers and chief follow after me, and we all head to the bakery. I hold the door open for the officers to enter. Mr. Goose glares at me, entering as well. The moment I enter, a sandwich is shoved into my face, left to hang there by the hold of my mouth. I glare, earning a scolding glare from Crow in return.

"Really, Mr. Raven. You can't keep skipping meals. It's not healthy, and I will not allow it." He scolds.

I take the sandwich out of my mouth, chewing the bite that was forced upon me. Miss Swift laughs at my misfortune, earning her own playful glare from me.

I swallow, before readdressing my attention to Crow. "Is everyone here?" I ask.

"No, I called for Mrs. Gallus to please come represent for Mr. Gallus. I think she ought to know who used one of her husband's farm tools for murder." Crow explains. "Which means, you have plenty of time to shut up and eat your sandwich." He huffs.

I sigh, starting to eat. We wait for Mrs. Gallus. I finish the sandwich not long before she gets here, leaving me free to explain everything. Everyone is sat at different tables around the bakery, patiently waiting for my resolve.

"Alright everyone, we all know why we're here, yes?" I question.

Everyone nods and mumbles a yes, aside from Mr. Goose, who shouts, "Get on with it already!"

I huff. "Alright. This case was rather tricky; in fact, I thought we had hit a dead end just moments ago." I start. "We can safely say that it was definitely not Mr. Gallus who murdered Miss Jane. No, he was just someone who the real murderer hoped would take the blame."

Mrs. Gallus sighs with relief.

"We can also say that it wasn't Mr. Nightjar, for he was in love with Miss Jane. Whoever killed our victim hated her, and was able to face her without regrets." I explain.

Miss June huffs, her brows furrowed. "Then who was it?"

I smile. "I think you already know, Miss June. Though, I have to say, you were clever."

"What?" She asks, in what I know to be mock disbelief.

I take my handkerchief out of my pocket, presenting the feather within. "Yes, we would have never suspected you. With your habit of often losing or dropping your traditional feather. With how highly you spoke about your sister." I approach the small box of evidence, gently taking the murder weapon out. "And, after all, your prints were only on the murder weapon, because you picked it up when I got here the first day." I put the weapon and the feather back in the box, facing Miss June again. "Or so you wanted us to think. You know, Miss Swift asked an interesting question. 'Why would you need to come get me before the police?' Well, it's simple. So, that I wouldn't suspect your fingerprints were already on the weapon, before I had even arrived on the scene."

"What?! You're saying I did it?! That's ridiculous! Why would I want to kill my sister!?" Miss June yells, standing up.

"Because she was always better than you." I state bluntly. "Or, so it seemed to you. She was so friendly and everyone seemed to love her. Even your love, Mr. William Nightjar, loved her more than you." I explain.

She glares daggers, her hand balled into fists. Unable to argue with the truth, she attempts to make her escape, running right into Officer Nighthawk. She's immediately cuffed and taken to jail.


"And, that was that." Raven finishes.


"That was it?"

"I can't believe it."

"I never saw that coming."

"There's no way you solved that murder."

"But, of course he did." Peter speak out against his classmates. "The detective always wins."

The bell rings, signalling the end of class and dismissing the students.

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