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                The walk back to the apartment was slow and quiet. Lumiose City was truly the most romantic city in Kalos, but right now, for us, it wasn't filled with romance, it was filled with awkward silence. Even though the walk as over twenty minutes and we were nearing the apartment, I still had no idea what to say to him. You can't exactly take back saying the words 'I love you' but I was beginning to regret using such strong words. "Y/N, we're here." "Oh, uh, right." I stepped in front of him and made my way to the elevator. The elevator ride, while it wasn't as long, was just as awkward as the walk home. The elevator finally dinged and we stepped off. The short hallway decorated wallpaper straight out of a hotel, it's only about 13 feet long, but with our slow awkward pace it felt so much longer. The 7 feet tall oak door, I'd been seen it so much in the last 9 years, and I'd unlocked this door how many times? Yet now when I reached the door I fumbled with the key and found myself studying the shapes swerving through the wood. I finally felt the satisfying turn of the lock and I nervously shoved open the door. "J-Just take a seat." I said motioning towards the couches. "So, um, l-love?" "Oh, I meant to bring that up! I-I-I just- I kinda said in the heat of the moment because I don't know how to express my feelings properly and I missed you and I was scared, I'm sorry!" "I sputtered out in quick rush of jumbled words. "Woah, that-that's a lot to process." "I know, I'd intended to do it in a more calm tone, if you'd been here a few hours ago this would've been said a lot more eloquently." "So, you do have feelings for me?" "Yes..." I nodded and stared down at my hands. "So, what're you gonna do, I mean Eli, he won't want you to leave, and what about Shauna, she's worked so hard-" "Shauna is one of my best friends, she's the one that suggested that I just pack a bag and run away!" "And Eli?" "He-He has Ember." "Who's she?" "A new artist, I saw it on his Instagram, I think he likes her." "That's not what I meant." "The band doesn't need me!" "So you're ok just leaving Shauna!" "We've been over this, she doesn't care!" "BUT-" "PLEASE STOP IT!" I screamed, my frustration had reached it's limit and I could no longer calmy debating. "I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT ELI THINKS, I DON'T CARE IF PEOPLE WILL SAY I'M THROWING AWAY MY CAREER, IF I CARED ABOUT THAT DO YOU THINK I WOULD'VE COME TO ALOLA IN THE FIRST PLACE!" I felt tears coming down my face, just streaming, my voice had started cracking by the time I got my last words out. "Y/N..." "So if you have any other arguments I'll hear them, but they better not have 'But what about so and so' because I will kill you." I said with a sad chuckle. "I-I-I have nothing else to say." "Good." I finally wiped away the tears on my cheeks and let out another dark laugh. "So what else is there to say?" He asked looking at me and seemingly noticed my red eyes for the first time. "Well there is the whole, um....feelings." "Right. Well I guess it's mine turn huh?" I nodded in agreement. "Ok, well, geez I'm not good at feelings either," He started with a sarcastic laugh, "but I-I do think I have feelings for you, but same as you I don't know how to describe it." We sat looking over towards each other. I nervously fiddled with my hand as we sat there in awkward silence. The funny thing about awkward silence is that it's not silent at all. We all know that internally we're screaming our heads off, no one ever says anything, but everyone knows. "Well then, what happens now?" I asked nervously looking up and meeting his eye. "Do you, uh, do you wanna like be my girlfriend? Geez that sounded like a stupid teenager!" He said nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "Of course!" I said excitedly. "Great, should we hug or...?" "Sure, right." I stood up and he did the same. We both awkwardly looked at each other. It was an awkward 'hug' when we backed up he kept a hold on my arms. "Ilima what are you-" I was cut off by him smashing his lips into mine. 


THERE YOU ARE, SOME SEMI-GOOD QUALITY FLUFF, DON'T KILL ME! Happy Thanksgiving to all you fellow Americans, and happy Thursday to everyone else. I just wanna say sorry for the wait, I really did try to write on Saturday, but I couldn't get this done and then it was BTS at the AMAs and then since then I've been sick since. Anyway, don't forget to vote if you enjoyed :D
              -SINCERLEY ME

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