The Effect of Social Comparison Theory

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Minnie passed the shop twice a day but never really had the time to go in and look around. She had seen the shop owner, a quiet and sullen man, close the door and turn the sign at night. Once when she had stopped by the store front to reclasp a loose heel she had noticed him staring at her legs in her flounce skirt which she had worn to an interview earlier that day. It seemed when she started walking again he had shrugged off the encounter, even though Minnie had been tempted to wave Hello.

Minnie had a masters in education and a background is behavioral science. She taught online courses from home since she was too shy to be in front a traditional class. A bit of a gamer herself she was a Warcraft fan and loved retro movies. She wasn't a big dater but she was a secret romantic for sure, constantly daydreaming about cute meets and writing short stories for fun. On a Thursday, she decided to head down to the frozen yogurt store. The comic and collectible store was rather empty that day so before making it halfway down the street she decided to step into the store for the first time.

The air conditioning and smell of fresh print hit her as soon as she walked in the door. Being a tall girl it was a few minutes before the other browsers started nudging each other, and pointing out a woman had wandered in. There were even a few sniggers which made Minnie self-conscious so she headed towards the unoccupied backwall filled with movie posters and collectibles. She was wearing a loose university t-shirt and shorts, not something she thought should get so much attention. A few men started to move closer to see what she was looking at, maybe a bit too close now, gathering around the aisle.

The owner, Stuart, stepped out from the backroom holding a box of pre-order board games. He wondered what so many guys were doing clustered around the small section of anime titles, that they no doubt already owned. Suddenly he caught sight of a bouncy and bosomed brunette looking a bit scared in the middle of the cluster. He couldn't begrudge the guys for looking but harassment was something that would limit his female clientele down to 0, instead of 1%. He set the box down loudly on a cart and the men sort of scattered to let him pass.

"You should know if there isn't something on the shelf I can also special order it for you?" said Stuart in an I know what comes next voice.

Minnie's shoulders relaxed once the men had moved back to the tray of dollar comics, she was a bit embarrassed to say that she hadn't come in looking for anything particular. "Oh no, I was just looking... I don't have anything in mind." She said in a nervous flutter.

Stuart turned to leave, while the men who looked on sort of chuckled, at his quick dismissal.

Minnie however felt silly and well, it seemed better if the owner was nearby her while she looked. She reached out her hand and tugged on his sleeve before he walked away, her hand grasping his arm lightly.

"Well, actually..." She looked into Stuarts surprised face, his eyes were like chocolate, a lot like hers but for some reason she didn't see that satisfaction that comes from joy. " you have any graphic novels you recommend?"

The nudging and staring had resumed but this time the men had a rather angry and confused tone to their looks, the longer Minnie kept her hand on Stuart. In fact it wasn't until Stuart awkwardly gulped that she realized she was still holding onto his wrist.

Stuart, was taken a back for sure, she hadn't shrugged him off, or said she was with someone else. Though he had figured the second from how uncomfortable she looked fenced into the back aisle. She touched him, and it had felt exciting, surely it was an accident or just to get his attention.

He felt a bit bumbled as he said "this way", and led her back over to the wall nearest the register and stock room. The line at the register however had gotten long, with many grumpy faces so he excused himself and went back to check out the customers.

Minnie was relieved, in this corner she felt like he was still protecting her in his own little magic bubble. She flitted through the titles, many she didn't recognize and a few that had recently been made into movies. There was a copy of something that looked a lot like the Crow, which made her wonder if it was the same graphic artist. She picked up an edition of Watchmen while Stuart was dealing with two rather rude customers. It was a used copy and for a good price and she decided to buy it, to sort of jump in and get her feet wet. The movie had been good after all.

Meanwhile, the two gruff and moderately attractive customers had begun questioning Stuart about his weekend plans.

"...Stu you never have plans, why do you always say no. There's no real girls in Goldshire anyway."

Minnie let out a snort and dropped her book back onto the shelf causing a few other volumes to cascade down to the floor. Just then she looked up into Stuart's eyes, his face rather crushed by an insult he must have heard a few times. When he gave them their bags and he came over to restock the shelf leaning down next to Minnie who had tried to pick up all the books hastily.

"Haha, no this is perfect. I can proof this to you right now!" the more obnoxious fellow walked closer to the pair now fixing the shelf. Stuart said 'I'm sorry' quickly under his breath.

"You're a girl..." he addressed Minnie. "Tell this guy that he doesn't have a chance in hell, that he's just like any other loser women pass by. You wouldn't even go on one date with him, I bet."

Stuart was quite more that annoyed, but he was also looking at Minnie bent down reaching around her ankles when he remembered those legs, the heels. Suddenly he prepared for the cold dagger that usually crushed his esteem, this time laced with poisonous taunts.

Minnie was so shocked, not only for Stuart apologizing to her, but also that his 'friends' seemed so very blind. While the friends chuckled at what they presumed was a great zinger, Minnie had a burst of courageousness and stared them down.

"Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with him...if he asked me on a date...I'd go." What had started as a statement puttered out into a shy breath.

Stuart's eyes ran up her legs as he rose to put the books on the shelf. She was magnificent and curvy. "Get Out, you had your fun." Stuart said now quite firmly with a renewed spirit. The men didn't take him serious at first but it was his store after all.

Suddenly Stuart realized he was standing in an empty store with a beautiful woman who he had not once, or twice but three times admired. She had a heavy blush on her cheeks, but before he could apologize. She shoved a copy of Watchmen at him and said she'd take it.

"Last sale of the day" Stuart said trying to cut the tension, but the brunette seemed upset now and quiet. He put his business card as a bookmark in the book, remembering that the phone number was also his home number. It also had his email. That was a silly thought, of course, she wasn't even looking at him now that they were alone. He handed her the bag and watched her exit the store, walking close behind her to lock the door and flip the sign. She looked up at him when the door clicked did a quick smile and wave. Stuart was sure she'd never come back again.

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