Last Night : XiuChen

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Xiumin's POV

I laid on my bed and place my arm on my forehead while staring at the ceiling, I let out a long breath, then I grope in my bed sheet to find where my cellphone is and when I found it I lazily place it in front of my face

08: 36 pm

I once again let out another long breath while letting my arm fall on my bed,

Since I graduated from college I was only left with nothing but responsibilities, I don't have any free time to have fun and relax since I've been crown to be the next king, its not that I don't want to become one, its just that, I just want to have some fun before turning into one,

"If only I can go out without my bodyguards"

I murmured to myself, I force myself up when I suddenly realized that

"Well I can't go out if they knew I'll leave"

I said before planting a mischievous smile on my lips

"Just once, I'll do it for just one time, and I promise I won't do it again"

I said to myself before pulling some blanket from my closet.

'Well its not bad to use some old trick'

I tie each end of every blanket and make sure that it can handle my weight before I tightly wrap it on my bed and for the first time I thank my bed for having such heavy weight

I look outside of my window to see if someone's around and I felt more happier to see none

I got out of my window and after a life threatening minutes I finally get out.

I look up in my room before walking out of the bushes, I left my blanket hanging on the wall because I know that sooner or later they'll find out that I'm gone, so why would I waste my precious time to hide it. I sneakily walk to the wall before climbing a tree and jumping out of it, I hurriedly rub my ankle when I feel the pain from jumping out the wall, luckily I didn't break my bone, well it's not that high though.

I jump up with excitement before running away from there, when I'm sure that I'm far enough I call my cousin Kris to join me in my escapade, after a long wait he finally answer the phone but I hurriedly withdraw it from my ear when he shouted



I shouted back and I can tell the reason why he answer like that,

"Where are you?"

I ask and make my voice a little lauder for him to hear

"Xiumin! Wait wait wait I can't hear you give me a second"

I patiently wait for a while and I hear the loud music from the background decreasing.

"I'm sorry about that, we're having a pool party, why did you call?"

"Your having a party and you didn't even bother to tell me."

"Well I, I just don't want you to feel more lonely knowing that you can't come"

And as if he can see me he let out a deep sigh

"Don't give me that look Xiumin, I know what kind of expression your giving me right now"

"Argh! Where are you?"

"I'm in my friends house, why?"

"Can I come?"

"How can you-woah don't tell me you"

"Yes yes I did"

"Really?! how did you- of...of course you can come I'll text you the address, Ill pick you up where are you? I..... You better tell me how did you do that, its cool man"

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