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Warning attempt of suicide
Bit longer to
After a few hours of Richie making bad jokes I needed to be home before 6 or mom will hurt me "I need to go Richie" I say getting up "bye Sugar!" He says making me laugh a little

I was walking on the side walk not far from Richie's and I feel something grab me. They spun me around as I was faced with henry "hey hottie" he says with an awful smirk "let me go please"

"No can do" he says smashing his hand on my left bewb "ow!" I yell  "get off her you mullet wearing Asshole!!" Richie yells kicking the back of his leg making him fall down

He let go and Richie grabbed my hand and ran back to his house "Richie I was fine" "no you weren't! You could've been...been..." He takes a deep breath "raped" he says as I tear falls down

I move my finger to wipe the tear "well thanks anyway" I say "your welcome, its just...I care about friends even if I seem like a dick" he says

"I care about you too but I need to get home its 5:54" I say sounding scared "y/n are you ok?" "Yea why?" I say "you sound afraid" he says "no I'm not" I say and he looks concerned "ok bye then" he says and I walk as fast as I could back home

But by the time I got there it was 6:07. "Your late" mom says with a bottle in her hand "I know and I'm sorry" I say "I told you 6" she says standing up "s-sorry mom" I sat and she reaches for a belt that was laying on the couch

"Mom please" I say "y/n! Stand still!" She yells and I do so.
She raises her arm and swings. I feel the stinging on my back and I drop to the floor tears form but I bite my lip to not scream

"Maybe next time you'll be on time" she says and takes another big drink ands walks away leaving me kneeled down.

I get up and go to the bathroom I lift my shirt and look back
"Holy shit that's red" I say silently. I go down stairs to see my mom passed out. I get an ice pack and put it on my back.
I wrap something around me to keep it in place

I lay there thinking
I must be useless. Do I deserve to live? Do I!? Probly not

I grab my book I've been reading 'Eclipse' and opened to page 83 and read until I felt tired


I wake up with a melted ice pack beside me. I stretch and get up and get ready for school. I go down stairs and make toast and walk out

As I was walking I hear my name "y/n!" I turn to see Richie "hey" I say taking a bite of toast "you ok?" He asks and hugs me "yea wh- ah no not there" I say holding my back "Henry didn't hit you" he says raising and eyebrow

He grabs my arm and lifts the back of my shirt "hey!-" "who did this?" He asks "no one!" I say "its really red" he says and let's go of my shirt "now who actually did this?"

I thought of what happened last night "I dont want to say" and he looks away "fine let's go" he says and walks forward and I follow

Richie barely said anything
he must hate me...
We walk in and go to our separate lockers

(Skip to lunch)

Instead of going to Richie I went to the roof. Were we could also go. I seen how tall it was, I walk up to the rail but see someone in the corner of my eye. A girl with braided hair.

She was gonna jump
before me I had to help her
"Hey, don't do it! Please" I say and she looks at me with tears in her eyes "what do you care?" She says "I want to help" I say

Even tho I was mad or sad
I couldn't let her jump
"Ok...I met this boy I really thought he was the one but then he told me he was done"

Oh dear I knew she was heart broken. I knew how it felt to lose someone you love

"Your upset cause you can't have him but there are others ya know" I say and she looks at me "your lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything" I say looking down

"Well I feel better and I'm sorry" she says and disappeared

I couldn't do it now..


The next day...

I went up to the roof early in the morning this time. But only to fine a girl short as can be.
I also helped her

"Please don't do it" I say and she turns around "why not" she says as tear stream down

"I want to help" I say and she sighs "well..everyone ignores me and everyone steals. I don't think I fit in here" she says

"Your still loved at home right?" I say and she nods "well they may be jerks here but at least there is dinner waiting at the table at home" I say and she smiles while she sheds a tear

"I'm hungry" she said and left me alone

I went on with my day. I even pretended to be happy in front of richie

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