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I see her outside still in front of my door. She goes to knock but stops and jogs off.

I sit back down and wrap the blanket I had with me on me and fell asleep

As I jogged home I slowed
down. I hear a car sounding like henry so I sprint back home.

Before I open the door I hear sobs. My mom was crying

"Listen Julie, I can't have you be mean to the only daughter I have" my dad says "And I take her away from here if you don't stop" he says "No! Please Notch I can change!" She says sobbing

"Well then your going to need to get your act together" he says "I will. Promise" she says calming down.

I open the door
"Y/n your back! How was it?" My dad asks "it could've been better but it was great" I say and walk upstairs.

I flop on my bed thinking about today. Mostly me reacting to how Richie likes me

I soon get tired and as I was half asleep. My mom and dad came in. "Good night sweetie" I hear my mom say I smile and fell asked


I wake up
Get ready. Grab my bag and leave.

I don't want to go to school, I don't feel like going, but my mom and dad told me I had to go

I go to school and went in put my stuff away and grab my books and left for...Math...

Skip to lunch

I walk past the losers
and to the roof. I wasn't going to jump and in didn't have to help anyone today.

I stood by the rail and got my flashbacks

I see every face of each girl who almost jumped. I help and see their smiles except one...
She had pity. She was different. She wanted to live...

I was about to jump when suddenly an arm grabbed me and pulled me back. I hear Richie "Why!?....why would you?!" He yelled and then started to cry "I-I..." I then started to cry.

I open my eyes.
I felt arms around me.

"What are you doing?" I hear Stan say "just remembering" "what are you remembering" he says "the faces of the girls and how Richie helped me"

"I remember" he says
"I asked Richie if he was worried about you for going to the roof" he says "you?" Stan nodded his head.

"His face went shocked and he turned around and ran to you" he said "oh" "now shall we head to lunch?" He ask and I nod.

We walk back to the lunch room and sit with them all
Something was different, No. Some one.

Richie He was different. Had the same clothes on from yesterday.
He just sat there not speaking or anything.

I head back to class and the announcements came on.

"If anyone would like to sign up for 'Servant of Evil' play meet in the office"

A play? I guess I could try.
So I walk back to the office.

"Hello" The office lady says
"Hi I'm here to sign up for the servant of evil play" I say and she smiles and hands me the paper to sign

I really wanna be an extra but I seen the lead role was a female the Kings servant. I finish and give it back to her and leave

"Hey why were you in the office?" Bev asks "I signed up for a play" I say "well I hope your in it!" She says and walks away

School finishes and I walk back home and just listen to music and just look out my window

This Girl - Richie Tozier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now