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This is my jam^^😂

"I'm h-hungry" bill says and everyone agrees with him
I catch Stan looking at me then looking away

"What do we eat?" Mike says and we all decide on McDonald's "yaaaaaaay" I say jumping up and down like a little kid

I get little flashbacks from time to time. I seen me and Richie on the roof crying.

I stop jumping up and down and look down making every one look at me confused. Stan gets up and comes to me "y/n anything wrong" "no I'm fine" I say forcing a smile

"To McDonald's!" Richie says and we all get up and go outside.
Everyone had a bike but me. Mom thought a bike wouldn't be great so she never bought one

"You can ride with me" Stan says and I see Richie glare at him
"Ok" I say shrugging and hopping on the back of his bike. I wrap my arms around him so I don't fall. And Die. I won't die but I'll get hurt

When we got there I get off to see Stan with a light pink face. "Aye Bird boy and sugar, you coming?" Richie says "bird boy?" I say looking back to Stan

"I-i study birds" he says
"Nice I wish I found something I like" I say and we walk in.

After we ordered I asked the lady questions "so what would you do if I was dressed like spider man?" I ask "wait what?" She says laughing "you heard me" I say

"Probly give you half off" she says "I should've dressed like spider man" I say making the losers laugh and the workers

(I did this once just so you know)

They give us our food and
we go sit down "wow y/n what with you today?" Bev asks "I dunno I guess I feel happy" I say for once in my life "you remind me of Richie but less dirty minded" Eddie says

I started to sing the hop hop song. Annoying but catchy
"A hop hop hop like a bunny do and a hop hop hop like they always do"

"Hop hop hop like a bunny do and hop hoppity hop" I say and everyone looked annoyed "can't you not" Eddie says "no never" I say

Richie soon sings along "hop hop hop like a bunny do and a hop hop hop like they always do"

"Hop hop hop like a bunny do and a hop hoppity hop" then we stop because bill looks like he's ready to stab someone

We finish eating and went
outside. I hopped on stans bike with him and went back to Richie's.


"So..what now" ben asks and we all shrug. "wanna g-go on a w-walk?" Bill asks "eh" some of us a
Say "you wanna go on an adventure!!" Richie yelled "yay and adventure!" Me and bev say

Even tho we had to walk
we still liked the idea of an adventure.

Richie was talking like a nature person "and this tree is super tall" he says pointing at the tree
"This is uh..." "Oak tree" bev says "I knew that" Richie says

As we were walking around
I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me aside from the group.


"Stan what are y-" I start but he cuts me off "I can't pretend no more" he says and pulls me closer connecting our lips

I was shocked mostly cause it was my first kiss. I felt how he used passion. I soon close my eyes.

He pulls away
I look in his brown eyes
"Yes I know you may not want me maybe because I'm...well you know" he says looking away

I cannot believe what is happening. "Stan I don't hate you because your Jewish" I say trying to whisper the last word. He looks up at me

"I've been through a lot" I say
"i know you have I've been through a lot to" he says

I stare for awhile.
I like someone else and hr happened to be Richie. Surprising right? But after what Stan did made my heart flutter

*cliffhanger muhaha
(Don't worry Stan is not getting in the way of you and Richie btw)

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