3. Ad Superstes

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Chapter 3: Ad Superstes

The hoard of the undead stormed behind the three survivors through angry snarls and barks and hisses. Most fell behind the second they picked up speed, but the ones who still had a whole body were worse- they remained hot on their heels, practically sprinting at the sight of food.

Up head, Wyatt still showed no sign of stopping, so Edward followed, both wanting and not wanting to glare over her shoulders to see how Abbott is doing.

The group of three made a left, their bodies flying up a set of stairs while the horde of the undead stacked up behind them. Edward has never felt herself run this swiftly before, supposedly this was what happens when she puts her life on the line.

"This way!" She heard a yell up ahead, and she forced herself to focus on her hearing. "To the locker rooms!" Wyatt barked without looking back, his voice echoing off into the distance.

The two behind him didn't hesitate to follow, and it wasn't long before Abbott had caught up with Edward.

He urged the poor girl to run faster with small nudges of encouragement, pushing her along by the shoulder the second she started to slow down, and just like that, they finally arrived at the building upon the hill.

Her heartbeat and ragged breathing was everything she could hear when she got to the door, and if it wasn't for her coach pulling open it, she didn't even think she'd have the strength to do so.

Another door that led to the boy's locker room closed just as their eyes laid upon it, and while the lurkers behind them smashed themselves against the metal door, the two quickly made their way towards their destination.

"Wyatt!" Edward called from the abandoned hallway as she tugged on the locked door, and the coach called out the same name after her.

It was a split second later when the door reopened, and inside was a relieving face of Edward's friend- slightly messy hair, with crooked glasses and a red face from the sprinting. Actually, all three of them looked like that, minus the glasses of course, they all looked like a mess.

The only entrance to the locker room shut behind them a second later, with the few zombies that were already wandering inside the building slamming their dead bodies against the door with full force.

Edward thought the metal plank was going to break any second as the enclosed entrance was stormed, but it never seemed to budge, and to her surprise, all the noise died down not so long afterwards.

The three still stood frozen before the door even minutes after the chaos had quieted down outside, their breathing slowed, their muscles became sore, and their brains seemed finally to be functioning properly again.

Wyatt was the first to recover from the trauma- pulling himself up and away from the entrance and padding his way into the dirty room. The area obviously had been splattered with blood that came from who knows where. The crusty red stains were definitely not a pleasant sight to see and live with, but they were lucky enough with the fact that there are no zombies in the room.

Edward on the other hand, wasn't so much recovered from the situation. She'd slid down the wall she'd been leaning against, her slow yet shaky breathing breaking the odd silence that had fallen upon the room.

The noise of a running sink sounded when Wyatt turned on the water, which was followed by a few splashes when he started to wash his hands and face.

"Ah fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck..." she mumbled with her face in her knees and her hands in her hair, her eyes staring into the empty space before her as if focusing on something she couldn't quite see.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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