2. Domum Fidelem

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Chapter 2: Domum Fidelem

"Hang in there!" Edward barked out as she untangled the nets upon the door knob, her hands doing her best in the pitch dark shed. It took another few heartbeats, but the door finally swung open as the tennis nets dropped to the floor.

And at once, a rush of joy washed over Edward's eyes. She regretted nothing about opening this door, only relief. However, there was still a feeling of doubt, which was something unreasonable in which she tried to push away.

The boy almost threw himself into the shed the second the door was opened, crashing into the wall with a heavy thud. He took small, sharp breaths, and winced with every one. It was as if he was injured. He covered the side of his stomach after scrambling to a sitting position, then leaned back against the wall behind him.

Wyatt was a medium heighted boy who always wore glasses, with a body build that most people would consider as skinny- Edward thought he was too when she first met him- it was later that she had discovered that not only did he go to the gym on a daily BASIS, but he was also on a wrestling team. He had bushy hair that he always failed to tame with hair gel, and would always wear a jacket without zipping it closed.

Edward saw the same huge man from the HPC charge towards them with a mad rage. Then, whether it was because of sheer panic or fear, no one knew, but the girl froze entirely as she stood at the door with an expression of sheer fright.

"CLOSE IT!" Wyatt screamed from behind, and Edward was able to recover from her paralyzed state at once, slamming the metal door down just as the huge man lunged for them.

There was a thud as the giant's hand was trapped under the metal door. He let out a demented howl of agony. But instead of treating like Edward and Wyatt expected, this pain only seemed to fill him with even more rage.

The girl tried her best to tie the ropes back onto the handle of the door, but even with he entrance secured, the mad man still smashed repeatedly on the shed's walls. The loud bangs echoed around the open air, eventually becoming so rhythmic it sounded like a beat.

It wasn't long before a wall of the the poor cabin started to dent up, and almost instantly, the mad man started his pounding at that exact spot. Edward didn't know how, perhaps it's was because of their good vision or perhaps the good hearing. But it didn't make sense to her how exactly a human this... dumb, would be able to locate something like this so quickly.

"We need to get out and make a run for it.. or else this is it." The girl whimpered in a
hushed voice; she tried her best to blink away the tears in her eyes, but it only made them flow out more freely.

The boy remained silent, but from the creak Edward can hear behind her, he must have stood up. She practically jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, with the rhythm continuing, she could hear nothing aside from the shed, of course she couldn't hear Wyatt behind her.

Edward nodded when she realized it was actually an assuring squeeze on the shoulder her friend here was giving her, and she nodded with acknowledgment without even knowing if he can see the nod in the dark ass shed.
However, just as when the two felt like the shed was about to give in, there was a sudden clang- like hard metal hitting stone- and the world once again fell into a peaceful silence, as if the mad man was never here.

Well, the silence was rather awkward then peaceful, either of the students didn't know what had happened or what to do. The pair stood in the frozen darkness for what felt like minutes while in reality it was only a few seconds. Outside, there was a thud of a body, which Edward assumed was, hopefully, the mad man; and following that, she was able to make out the sliding noise of metal- someone was probably picking a iron bar of sorts off the floor.

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