The Day She Speaks.

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   I have a name, but people do not care. To them I'm just another teenage girl with a tragic accident that has caused her to be mute. That's not how my story elevated though. Lets just say people can't control life or what gets thrown at you.

   My life was perfect before my accident. Well it still is besides i haven't spoken to anyone sense its happened. Let me start with my name, my birth name is 'Nevaeh Ranae Lambardi'. I'm 15 years old, my birthday is June 16th, my family is very understanding of my situation and they agree 100% of my choice in lives negativity.

   I have 4 brothers all older than me, they are overprotective, who's brothers wouldn't be? My mother and father are very close, they never have any problems. Because we are all werewolves, they are mates. My two oldest brothers have also found their mates, i only like one of them though. Katherine is her name, she's my eldest brothers mate, kyle. As for my other brother Nev, his mate isn't so excited with the fact that i no longer speak. I guess her excuse is that once she's found her mate, she wants to be BestFriends with his or her siblings, well in this case she doesn't get what she wants.

   Yes, i said his 'or' her. Its very rare that you get the same sex mate, and no it's not weird. I happen to like gay, lesbian or, bisexual people Although, I haven't found my mate. I'll be happy with whoever the good moon goddess mates me with.

   I don't have many friends besides my BestFriend named J'Halin. Yes i have a guy BestFriend. Girls are just to much drama for me. Me and him are very close. He's actually okay with the fact i don't speak, he understands everything and he's the only one who knows why besides my family, he promised me he wouldn't tell. Yeah, he's a sweet heart i know. Daddys not so happy about that fact that the only friend i have is a guy but he never complains to me about it. As for my brothers, they're perfectly fine with it. Unless he trys some funny business, their words... Not mine. Enough about my wonderful family and on to my life of awesomeness... Note the sarcasm.

   "Awe Hunny mommy knows but today is your test day, you wouldn't want your family to be disappointed in you now would you?" Mom says to me with care and love felled eyes. I shake my head no and write on the pad of paper sitting on my night stand. 'But my head hurts mommy.' I write then show her with my bottom lip poked out. "Just go for a few hours and I'll give you something to take before you go and if it still hurts, you call me and I'll come get you, Deal?' She says with a motherly smile. I smile and nod my head at her as she pulls me into hug. "Now get ready, jay will be here in 30 minutes to pick you up sweet heart." She tells me as she pulls out of the hug and walks out of my room. Jay is my BestFriends nick name.

   I groan and get out of bed, making my way into the bathroom i notice i haven't actually changed into my wolf sense I've had my first change. I strip off all my clothes and lets the power of the change over take my body, i feel my bones start to crack into wolf shape, i feel my snout start to extend and white fur grow all over it and my body. As I fully change i look into my full body mirror and stare at myself in wolf form. No one knows I've actually had my first change and i don't think my eyes are suppose to be red, i think it's about time i tell my family.

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