Chapter 10

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Flamepaw's eyelids opened slowly to reveal an orange sky. The sun had just begun to risen, and though few cats were awake at this time, the entire clan surged with energy.

Flamepaw suddenly came to the realization for a dream, pondering if it were real or not. But her doubts ceased. It had to be Gingerkit that had visited her the night prior. It surely could not have been a silly dream.

Outside, cats yowled, arguing about searching for Goldstar. Flamepaw already could tell the she-cat had not returned due to the chaos of the clan, and cats were yelling at Mountainheart.

Flamepaw felt uneasy about all of this. First, her friend had gone off with other warriors in search for the missing leader, and now, she, a simple apprentice, had been told Goldstar was in grave danger.

Flamepaw debated talking to Mountaineye or Mountainheart about this matter, but she knew cats would only spring into even more chaos. From the den, she could see her mother frowning beside Brownpelt. Flamepaw supposed the emotional toll of missing a family member took a great effect on her.

Flamepaw slowly crept out of the den, wondering if her plan truly was smart. She thought back to when she had snuck out of camp at a few moons old. She was older now. This was different. When she was a kit, it had only been a dream, but StarClan's message surely had meaning.

Deciding not to tell anyone of her decision to look for Goldstar, she quickly slipped through the RiverClan camp, cats barely noticing her approaching the forest. She knew it was wrong not to tell Dusktail, let alone her parents, but Gingerkit had surely meant the message was for her. It was Flamepaw's duty to look for the leader, not any other cat's.

Or perhaps she was too self-centered. No, Goldstar's life was at risk. Flamepaw had to start looking immediately. Maybe if she ran into Mothwing, she could tell the she-cat of her dream and offer assistance.

Unfortunately, Mothwing had not returned, and neither had the other she-cats that had gone off to look for the golden she-cat.

Coming to the edge of camp, Flamepaw took a step forward, the woods right in front of her. She hesitantly walked into the forest, not sure where to head. Perhaps it wasn't the best decision not to tell any cat.

I'll hunt for now, she thought. Hunting helps me think.

She padded slowly through the woods, keeping her ears pricked for the sound of nearby prey. When she heard nothing, she decided to make her way to the river.

Turning to the right, she passed a clump of bushes, her footsteps the only audible sound in the forest. Suddenly, she heard frantic pawsteps, and she froze, wondering if a fox had decided to pay her another visit.

"Woah, woah, woah!" came a feminine voice.

Flamepaw turned, noticing Rosepettle. The slender white she-cat stood in front of her, a look of confusion and surprise plastered on her face.

"And where are you going?" Rosepettle demanded.

Flamepaw shuffled her paws, looking back up at the warrior. "Hello, Rosepettle," she said, greeting the she-cat. Realizing she could not lie, she looked down and spoke.

"I need to find Goldstar!" she exclaimed. "Gingerkit came to me in a dream and told me she was in grave danger and--"

"And what?" Rosepettle cut her off, her blue eyes looking at Flamepaw with concern. "You're only an apprentice, Flamepaw. You can't very well look for the leader of RiverClan yourself."

Well, that was short-lived, Flamepaw thought, expecting to have Rosepettle escort her back to camp.

"But Gingerkit told me she was in grave danger," Flamepaw protested, still persistent. "Gingerkit told this to me. I have to find her, Rosepettle!"

Rosepettle sighed, clearly feeling sorry for the young she-cat. "I miss her too, but you can't go searching for her..." She paused, and Flamepaw waited for a lecture. To her surprise, Rosepettle smiled. "Not without me coming with you!"

Flamepaw stood, flabbergasted. Rosepettle raced to the river's edge and jumped into the cold stream.

"You coming?" Rosepettle called.

Flamepaw nodded, still trying to recall what happened. Had Rosepettle agreed to search for Goldstar with Flamepaw?

Flamepaw raced after her and leapt into the water, the icy chill causing her to shiver. Currents rubbed against her, but Flamepaw had enough swimming practice to make it across the river with Rosepettle. Besides, the cold water gave her a break from the hot green-leaf sun.

Reaching the other end, Rosepettle lifted herself up onto the other side, laughing. Flamepaw lifted herself up beside her, crashing into the rocky soil.

"Why, I haven't swam like that since I was an apprentice!" Rosepettle exclaimed. "Come on!"
Flamepaw regained her breath and ran after Rosepettle, trailing behind the strenuous she-cat. Finally catching up to her, Flamepaw gasped for breath.

"You're going to need a lot more training if you're going to pant this entire trip," Rosepettle teased.

"You're serious about all of this?" Flamepaw asked.

"Why not? Mountainheart is too preoccupied to notice that we're missing. I doubt he'll send out patrols to look for us. Besides, we won't get in trouble for looking for our leader. We are following his advice after all. Goldstar didn't come back this morning," Rosepettle noted.

Flamepaw nodded beside her, gazing around the RiverClan forest. "But my parents...I didn't tell them where I went."

"We'll find Goldstar quick. It'll only be a day or two of looking," Rosepettle assured her.

Flamepaw nodded, but she had a feeling this would be a longer quest than estimated.

They came close to the twoleg dens now, and Flamepaw shuddered at the memory of visiting the place with Mothwing and Rosepettle when she was an apprentice.

"Where are we even going?" Flamepaw asked as the woods began to disappear behind them. They had left RiverClan territory now, walking among twolegs and kittypets now.

"Don't know," Rosepettle replied. "But we've got to start somewhere."

"Why the twolegs though? Do you think Goldstar became a kittypet?" Flamepaw asked.

"Maybe the pressure of leader was too much," Rosepettle joked. "It can be that bad of a life. Free food, sleeping all day, and not worrying about clan rivalries or searching for prey."

"You're not becoming a kittypet, are you?" Flamepaw asked, concerned.

Rosepettle laughed. "No. Don't worry, RiverClan is my home. Come on. Let's check that garden up ahead!

Flamepaw nodded, trailing behind the she-cat. A white house stood near the end of the Thunderpath, green bushes growing on it. These brushes produced beautiful flowers that Flamepaw had never seen in the forest before. How was it the twolegs could be bad if they produced such wonderful things?

She carefully approached the home with Rosepettle, unsure if this was a good idea. Quietly, she crept up upon the place with Rosepettle.

"Why are we checking here?" Flamepaw whispered.

"I smelled the faint scent of a cat nearby. And you don't need to whisper. No cat can hear you," Rosepettle explained.

Flamepaw would've felt embarrassed, but a sudden yowl caused her to jump.

"Freeze!" someone snarled.

Flamepaw turned, three cats viciously approaching. She gulped and shut her eyes, expecting the worst.

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