After Mike and Emily untack the horses, they put them back into the stalls and they head inside the house where they see Jayden, Lauren, Mr. Sheba, and Serena waiting for them.
"What's going on", asks Emily confusedly.
"We were talking about how the Nylock were able to come back. Octoroo and all the Nylock are destroyed, so that leaves that some of the Nylock didn't go back into the Neitherworld", says Serena.
"Unless they figured a way out", says Mike.
Next thing you know, Emily sees her sister hit the floor.
"Mike help me get Serena upstairs", says Emily.
Mike carries Serena to her room where Emily calls her mom. Her mom shows up so fast that Emily's in shock.
"What happened to her Emily", asks her mother.
"She hit the ground as Mike, Jayden, and I were talking about the Nylock", says Emily.
"Wait, where's Mr. Sheba at", asks Mike.
"Oh, I'm not sure where he went", says Serena.
"This isn't good. He was the first red ranger to seal Master Xandrid away and we destroyed him forever", says Jayden.
"Yeah, but think about it. I mean Octoroo could come back, did you ever think about that", asks Mike.
"You know what Mike, at least he tried to seal him away forever", says Lauren.
"I didn't mean to be ugly, but think about it. The nylock could come back", says Mike.
"True, but we need to talk to the others about this", says Emily.
"We have no other choice", says Lauren.
"Lets head back to the Sheba House", says Jayden.
Lauren, Jayden, Mike, and Emily bid Emily's mom and Serena goodbye and they leave to head back to the Sheba House. When they arrive Jayden calls Kevin and Mia to tell them about the Nylock situation.
Kevin and Mia are shocked when they hear what happened at Emily's house. Jayden and Lauren share a look as the others are talking.
"So what are we going to do Jayden", asks Mia.
"I'm not sure, but Lauren and I will contact you if anything happens", says Jayden.
"Well, we'll see you soon", says Kevin.
Kevin and Mia leave, Mike and Emily follow them. When Lauren and Jayden say farewell to their friends, Lauren kisses her brother on the cheek and she leaves. After Jayden walks inside, there's a knock at the door. He answers it to see an old friend of his.
"Antonio is that really you", asks Jayden.
"Yeah it's me. Jayden meet my fiancée Tracy. We've been together for a while now, so how've you been", asks Antonio.
"I've been good. Lauren and the others left, so I'm by myself", says Jayden.
"Jayden, do you really think that you're by yourself. I also want you to meet an old friend of yours", says Antonio.
"Who is it", asks Jayden.
Antonio opens up the back passenger door and Breanna steps out and a smile a mile wide appears on Jayden's face. Jayden picks Breanna up off of her feet and she smiles at him. The Octozord flies over and lands on Breanna's shoulder. Breanna gives it a kiss on the cheek and it flies over to Antonio.
(Breanna is wearing a pair of blue jeans, a white short sleeve t-shirt, a cropped red leather jacket, and a pair of brown cowboy boots as well as a white cowgirl hat with a silver and red scarf, with the samurai symbols for Ice and Fire.)

Power Rangers Super Samurai After the end.
RomanceMike, Emily, Jayden, Mia, Kevin, and Antonio defeated Master Xandrid and defeated the Nylock once and for all. But when Nylock are spotted by Mike and Emily, they call Jayden. He battles the Nylock with Mike, Emily on the other hand blacks out.