Chapter 2

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Jungkook's POV

Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Jungkook and I'm 22 years old. I'm currently a business man working at my fathers company.

I'm so glad I came back to Korea. I lived in America for 5 years but I regret it, the only reason I left was because I was young and stupid. Every day that passed by I missed her.... Y/N, she was my first official love, she's the one who changed me from being the bad boy in school to who I am now. I left her, alone, and scared.

Gosh I was so stupid but now I need to change that. I don't even know if she had the baby, what if she didn't? Would it all be my fault? Aish I can't think of that now, but one thing is that I need to get Y/N back.

It's been 5 years without her, I bet she's still beautiful and stunning as before. I still remember the first day I met her, it feels like it were just yesterday. I'll always remember that day.

8 Years ago~
" Today we have a new student class, please welcome her" the teacher said as a average height girl comes in the room but she was stunning.

" Annyeonghaseyo my name is Y/N, please treat we well" the girl said. Her voice was soft and soothing, she looked perfect to me. " Ms. Y/N please take a seat next to Jungkook over there" the teacher said as she pointed at me and got me out of my thoughts.

" oh hey now you'll sit next to a girl oooh~" Jimin said teasingly. The next thing I see is Y/N walk over to me and sit next to me. " Annyeonghaseyo" Y/N  said And looked at me but I gulped down and said " Annyeonghaseyo my name is Jungkook". I noticed how she kept smiling at me so I kept smiling back.

At the end of class I saw her sitting alone in the lunch room so I decided to give her company and sit with her. When I sat down she looked up and she began to blush, how cute. " Annyeong!" I said smiling, she was about to reply till we both get startled by " aye yo what's up" coming from Jimin and Taehyung. Then Taehyung sat next to me while Jimin sat next to Y/N.

That made me jealous even though I just met her. What it is she doing to me already...
One year later~
" Y/N!!!" I said while running up to her and hugging her by her back. " aww kookie!!! I missed you too!" she said while she gave me a kiss and had her arms around my neck.
Present time~

"RING RING" my phone made which made me groan but today felt different though, but I shrugged it off and got ready for the day.

Today I had a day off due to all the work I have already done so I thought about treating myself today. I heard about that famous cafe/shop place here in Seoul.

I decided to to go shower since I had time and didn't have a schedule. Afterwards I decided to go for a simple outfit but looked nice.

I cleaned up my room and I saw the picture... the picture with Y/N and I,  it was our 2 year anniversary and we both were hugging. That was the last picture I had with her till I left. I stared at for a while and I didn't notice a tear was rolling down my face but I wiped it away.

I then decided to go down stares but hated seeing how empty my house was only if I had someone else.... aish I need to stop thinking I'll see her again. I'm pretty sure she moved on with her life.

I finally arrived at the cafe/shop after 15 minutes of walking. It would have been better if I drove but decided to get the exercise. I opened the door and smelled delicious coffee, aish I love coffee specially ice coffee. I got in line to order but the lady taking the orders seemed familiar... could she be? Aish I can't be right? God what's up with me today.

I spaced out and didn't notice it was my turn to order. The lady then said " Annyeonghaseyo, how may I help you?" Her voice seemed familiar... too familiar. Also that smile, I swear it's Y/N but am most likely just going crazy. I then answered " may I have an Ice coffee" with a smile.

She then seemed to space out so I asked " ma'am are you okay?" And she asked back with " yes sir, I think I'm hallucinating that's all

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She then seemed to space out so I asked " ma'am are you okay?" And she asked back with " yes sir, I think I'm hallucinating that's all. I'll get your iced coffee ready, and your name is?". I usually didn't like giving my name out so I said " just put JK" but once I said that she seemed a bit shocked but I brushed it off and kept smiling.

5 years without you//J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now