Chapter 23

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" I won't let that happen. Watch me"

Does he really think he can protect her.

Why Y/N, why did you choose him and not me. I was planning to do this before Jungkook came back but that bitch came early.

Jungkook knew how much I liked Y/N yet he had the nerve to ask her out after I got rejected. Whenever they hung out with us my blood boiled. I always thought about how we cute we would look.

" Y/N can i talk to you" I feel so nervous

" sure Namjoon" she gives me her happy smile that I adore

Both of us walk outside and sit on a bench

" Y/N ever since you come to this school, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. You were different from other girls. I love everything about you... so could you do me the honor and be my girlfriend" I gulp and look at her

" that's really sweet Namjoon.... but I don't feel the same way. My heart is on someone else..... I hope we don't stop being friends" I felt my heart shatter.

" it's fine that you don't feel the same way, i guess I had to tell you my feelings". No it's not okay, I never liked anyone this way about anyone.

" I'm really sorry Namjoon" she holds my hands. I yank my hands away, I don't want to get more feelings for her.

" I have to go Y/N" I stand up and walk away.

You'll see Y/N......

End of flashback~
Ever since I found that Y/N was pregnant it boiled my blood more. And that Jungkook made us all leave because of his mistake. But I knew that once we came back that I'll ruin Y/N's life like she did with mine.

" Yah, Yoongi talk to Jimin again" I say over the phone

" I can't, Tae.... he killed himself"

" what did you say?" Did he really kill himself


I fall on the couch.... Tae.... why did you kill yourself....

" TAEHYUNG" I scream, he can't be dead....

Yoongi's POV
I was going to Tae and I's apartment, i spent the whole day out. I was going to go home later but I had this feeling that I had to go early.

Once I go to the building I saw an ambulance outside, what happened?

But then I see paramedics coming out of the building with someone on the stretcher... it was Tae.

I immediately go over to them but someone caught my eyes. Hana? I go over to her and she's crying. She's covered in blood

" Hana what what happened? Why is Tae on the stretcher and why are you covered in blood" I ask

" HE KILLED HIMSELF BECAUSE OF ME" She says and keeps crying. The only thing I could do was hug her but I also started crying.

I've known Tae for most of my life yet I never knew he was going to do this.....

" are you both coming in?" I see a paramedic ask us and we nod our head. We run inside and sit, i look at Tae and his eyes are closed. He looks so at peace....

I couldn't hold it any longer and hug his lifeless body. " WHY TAE WHY" I shout and kept crying. I someone hug me and it was Hana.

" it's going to be okay Yoongi-ssi" she says, I let go of Tae and hug her back. I really needed someone and that someone is Hana.....

Hana's POV
I wasn't expecting to see Yoongi but I'm glad I did. We are both suffering from Tae dying and we needed someone. I hugged him because I knew he needed to feel like he had support.

Surprisingly he hugs me back, we are both crying in each other's embrace. I haven't seen him in years yet this felt normal.

We both get to the hospital and they make us stay in the waiting room.

" I'm sorry Tae... I should've known you were going through something.... yet I left you alone today.... today was your last day on this earth... please forgive me..." I hear Yoongi.... he sounded so sad... it hurt..

" it's going to be okay" I try to say yet I was lying to myself. This was all my fault....

" HOW DO YOU KNOW HUH? YOU DIDN'T LIVE WITH HIM FOR YEARS! YOU WERE JUST A GIRLFRIEND" he shouts at me. I was a bit shocked but it was all true... I was just a girlfriend...

I lower my head down.... tears were coming down my face.

" I-I'm Sorry i didn't mean that I Ju-" i cut him off

" all that you said was true, I was just a girlfriend." I say

" look at me" he says but I keep my head lowered. He then with his finger holds my chin up

" I'm sorry Hana. I'm just trying to get all of this in my head. I jut miss him" he looks at me in the eyes.

I had the urge to kiss him... i needed someone.... i needed him. I even shocked myself when I held Yoongi's cheeks and smashed my lips with his.

He then started to kiss me back but the kiss was soft. I let go because it felt wrong yet right.

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I start saying but he stands up and leaves.

" kiss you" I finish the sentence but he's already gone.


Jungkook's POV
I wake up on the couch, and I get up and stretch.

"Junho!" I call out but no response. Maybe he's still asleep. I walk to my room but the door is open, I thought I closed it last night.

I open the door and Junho isn't on the bed. I start getting worried but maybe he's just playing around.

" come out Junho! I'm not playing any games" I shout but again nothing.

I start panicking and I open every door in my apartment but he's nowhere. I check the kitchen and I find a note

Don't tell the police about this or he'll die. Got it Jeon Jungkook? I'll tell you the next step soon, maybe you'd want to inform Y/N? -RM

5 years without you//J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now