Chapter 9: Heart of the matter

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Chapter 9: Heart of the matter

Hadlin was gasping for breath. Upon his knees on the floor. Living the moment of his death over and over. As his tears tumbled down like rain. Tumbling down onto the wooden heart in his hands. If he weren't so distraught he would question how a doll could even have tears. Well that was the least of his worries. As indignation against the babasova boiled over, "I will find you." In the meanwhile Whatnot had been patting his shoulder.

Hadlin was completely unawares the heart shifted in his hands. Taken aback he was now standing. Staring at the wooden heart. Whatnot was making a surprised sound. Greibo's voice came from behind him, "What is it?" Hadlin hardly knew, "I'm not sure." The heart looked like it was trying to beat. While its dark brown color turned a lively greenish. The wood began to twist and turn. Reshaping into vines. Two handful of vines. Those vines metamorphosing into a baby-like figure. That spindly infant continued to grow into a young girl. Hair sprouting from its scalp with pale blue eyes. The larger it grew the whiter its skin and hair had become. Until it was large enough to jump to it own two feet. Landing directly in front of Hadlin. The girls body and hair not stopping until it had reached Hadlins height. By then it was no more than a white cloud. Staring at Hadlin in the same curious manner in which he looked at her. All the same this girl didn't unnerve Hadlin. It were as if he knew her all his life. Even to the point he knew her name.

As the sound of her name eased over his lips, "Nieye..." Nieye smiled, yet never made a sound. Off somewhere behind him he heard Greibo say something about magic and trees. Surely she was some kind of khadaver tree spirit. How did Emme happen to have the heart? His dulling thoughts wanted to know more. Nonetheless he could only focus on Nieye. Whatnot had been poking at him, "Don't trust her." Even as the ghostly child yawned and stretched. Stopping only briefly to give the fuzz ball an icy look. Then began to dance around Hadlin. All the while rubbing her feet on the floor. Coming up behind the fuzz ball. At which time she touched the dust bunny. Just as a charge moved from her finger to the ball of fuzz. Instantly Whatnot was howling, "Yoooowwwww!"

Hadlin scolded the ghostly girl, "Nieye, that was not very nice." She stood before him looking ashamed, but in truth not really. Whatnot was still carrying on, "She's evil!" Hadlin silenced the fuzz ball, "Hush." Then sternly called her name once more, "Nieye." Nieye gave him an angelic look, and said ever so sweetly, "I thought you wanted to find the babasova?" Hadlin began to answer, "Yes, I..." Thereupon realized he was no longer standing in the room with Greibo and Reed.

Everything around him was dark. Anxiously questioning the girl, "What have you done?" Whatnot echoed the his words, "What have you done?" Hadlin was already examining this new place. From the walls, up to the ceiling, and down to the floor. It was all covered in ouray. As thousands of eyes were watching him. When Nieye's answer finally come forth, "This is home." Home referring to the runaway khadaver tree. The babasova had taken over his home. Infesting it with her disease. The ourays stares were relatively entrancing. Hadlin standing in the same spot for some time. He couldn't be sure whether minutes or maybe hours had gone by.

When he noticed a crinkling sound. It sounded just like paper being waded up. Then out of the darkness from behind him two small human-like creatures emerged. Just as Hadlin recognized this room. Behind him was the front door where the babasova had stood. Exactly from where the creatures had emerged. The creatures were not even a foot tall. They were clothed in dried leaves, with twigs nearly the same color as their hair. The creatures had to be brownies. He recalled many brownies playing around his tree in Boding. Though at some point they had stopped visiting. Hadlin had no idea why.

The brownies were skipping headlong in his direction. He stepped aside just in time for them to pass by. Seeing that Nieye looked very excited to see them. She was skipping right along with them. However the brownies never seemed to notice Hadlin or Nieye. As they passed directly through a wall of ourays on the opposite side. All he'd seen before Nieye followed the brownies through the wall was a flash of blue.

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