Chapter 8: Where the truth lies

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Chapter 8: Where the truth lies

Out of the blackness there it was. That same menacing sound, "Nn...." The sound was familiar. Where had he heard it? Suddenly Hadlins eyes popped open. He knew exactly where he'd heard the sound. Staring the guilty party right in the eyes. Two shiny metallic gray eyes. It was the boogeyman. The same one who had been stalking him. Where are the sentries? Hadlins eyes never left the boogeyman, but he knew something was off. The mushrooms. He couldn't see the mushrooms. The sentries were now just pages on the wooden floor. A wooden floor? What happened to the cave? What happened to the grimoire? This couldn't possibly be Nirvana.

Hadlin allowed his vision to stray a bit further. The walls appeared to be carved from the inside of a tree. With a rustic table and two moss covered chairs settled next to a window. He was disturbed by another sound coming from the boogeyman, "Niii..." Hadlin refocused his attention on the monster. Somehow it had brought him here. That explained the topsy turvy feeling. That didn't explain what the beast wanted. Nor did he feel like being on the menu. Squarely as the beast took a step forward, Hadlin stepped towards the table. Imparting a chair as a weapon, and yelling at the monster, "Not gonna happen!"

Flat-out his vision of the boogeyman started to blur. What was going on? The transparent anomaly kept shifting before his eyes. Amassing on the upper frame of the chair he held. That mass started to churn with color, and take shape. Until he realized it was Reed the psychedelic frog. Its color settling on purple. Reed held out a hand, saying, "You are safe here." Letting him know, "The grimoire was left in Nirvana." Whatnot nervously peeked out from under his collar, but decided it was safer inside. While Hadlin gestured towards the boogeyman, not sounding so confident, "What about that?" Pointing out, "That thing tried to eat me!"

Thereupon the boogeyman dropped its eyes to the floor, and slowly backed away. The frog jumped to the monsters defense. "Oh, he won't hurt you." Hadlin begged to differ, "Its a monster." Another half spoken sound escaped the beast, "Ni...." Even as it transfigured before Hadlins eyes. Changing into a three foot tall little man. With green vines interwoven into its white hair and beard. Hence finishing the sound it was making, "il...." Hadlin recognized the dwarf from the tree. Whilst the dwarf repeated the word, "Nil." Did that thing just call him Nil? How could it? Only his brother Greibo ever called him Nil. Hadlin was unhinged by mixed emotions. Setting the chair back on the floor. He had to know if that monster were his brother, "Greibo?" While the frog somehow ended up sitting comfortably on the chair with its legs crossed. Greibo went on to say, "I cannot keep this form for very long." Hadlin questioning that fact, "Why?" Bearing upon, "What happened to you?" Greibo answered, "The babasova." Indignation rising in his voice, as he pointed at Hadlin "See what its done to you." Hadlin knew too well what has happened to him. Well not every detail.

Hadlins thoughts strayed to their parents, wanting to know, "What about mom and papa?" The dwarf looked heartbroken as it responded, "You really don't remember?" Hadlin could hardly find his voice to answer, "No...." Reed too appeared sad, saying something confounding, "The very heart of a youkai is magical." Hadlin inquired what the frog was talking about, "Youkai?" By that time the hairy little man was standing in front of Hadlin. He raised his chubby hand close to his mouth. Then said, "This will help you remember." Thusly he blew into his empty hand. Likewise a fine sparkling powder tickled Hadlins face. As he watched Greibo begin to distort in front of him. Changing back into the boogeyman.

All throughout he started to feel the effects of the powder. Grasped by that same topsy turvy funhouse experience. Seeing that the world as he knew it was torn into bits and pieces. Those pieces scattered and changing like pieces of a puzzle. Hadlin becoming petrified as the pieces wouldn't go back together. Waiting until all the pieces had turned black. Practically like a dream. Until he thought he heard the sound of the wind. Then felt the breeze brush his face. Instantly his mind halted on the feeling. How can he feel anything? He hasn't felt anything since he's become a wooden boy. What was going on? Hadlin had to know.

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