Chapter 3

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Julia's P.O.V:

After the speeches, and the waiting, AND the diploma, we've OFFICIALLY became graduates!

I head out of the auditorium first and I wait for more people to get here

First, it was, with my luck, Cassidy. Yayy.

"Hey, Jules! Finally were out of here!" she hugs me and I loosely hug her back.

"Yeah, I know," I tell her with my half enthusiasm that I give her after what happened to us.

There was a long and awkward pause between us UNTIL George stepped into the picture.

"I gotta go!" she tells me.

"Bye bitch," I mumble. I kick my foot back and forth, waiting for someone to show up.

"Julia!" I look up and I see Blake.

Not the person I needed now...But at least it's not Cassidy!

"Hey, Blake!" I soon felt his strong arms around my body as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Ready for Nando's?" He says all excited.

"Well, we have to wait for Riley and the others." I remind him.

He sighs and pouts jokingly. Making me smile.

"Okay." He tells me.
"So. You and Jason. You guys talk?" He asks randomly.

"Only for a bit. Why?"

"No reason...Just wanted to know."

"Okay.." I stretched out.

Riley! Where are the hell you?

Reece's P.O.V:

As I'm walking out of the auditorium, I see my mum and dad near the door with Lexie.

But not only that, but I also see Riley and what I assume NOW is her uncle.

Wonder if he has an American accent similar to Riley.? She definitely doesn't have the Brit accent like the others!

When I walk up to my family, they leave out of the auditorium and give me hugs and stuff.

I look over my parents and I see George with Cass,

Poor George!

and Blake with Julia.

"Mum. I forgot to mention that I'm going to Nando's with the boys and a few girls from school."

"Who are these girls?" She asks.

"It's just Cass and her 2 friends Julia and Riley." I smile a bit as I look back and I see her with Julia, finally, and her uncle having a formal conversation with Blake.

"Who are you looking at? Is it your girlfriend?" Lexie asked so loud.

I shut her up by covering her mouth and Riley looks over, smiling and waving.

I wave back with my other hand and finally let the other one go from Lexie's mouth.

"You like her?" My dad asks.

"A little," I mumble. I look up and they both smile widely.

"But it won't matter," I turn around and she's making her way towards me.

"I'm leaving in a few days." I look back and finish.

"Hey!" She told me with her light British accent.

"Hi!" She gives me a hug and I hug back.

I hear my dad cough and I let go and look back at my family, which for a second, forgot they were there.

"Riley. This is just my family. My mum, Lyndsey, my dad, Jamie, and my younger sister, Lexie."

"Hi!" She tells them, shaking my parent's hand.

"Hello." They told her.

"So, you're the girl he keeps mentioning!" Lexie opened her mouth.

"Really?" She smiles and giggles a bit, looking at me.

Her giggle is so cute! And her dimples on her cheeks like mine!

"I only mentioned her once!" I respond with.

"That didn't really help, did it?"

God dammit!

"No, not really." She laughs.

"It's okay! My mother doesn't even know that I'm seeing you and the other two."

"Really? What about your dad?" I ask.

"They got a divorce and my AMERICAN dad lives in America. And that's his brother right over there."

She looks over at the man that's now talking to George as well.

"Man! I'm sorry. I didn't know.."

"It's fine. I didn't expect you to."

There was a 2-second pause before I make a bold move and pull her in for a side hug.

I look up at my parents and they just smile. I rest my face on the top of her head for a little while longer until the finally walked away.

"Ready?" She asks. I pull away and I respond with a yes and we both walk up to everyone.

"Hi! Reece is it?" The man that I've been dying to meet asks me.

He DOES have the same accent as Riley! But she looks cuter.

"Yes, sir," I respond with.

"I'm Riley's Uncle, Jack." he holds out his hand and I shook his hand firmly like she did to my parents.

"You know, Riley wouldn't stop mentioning you when I got to see her after the ceremony." he smiles widely and looks at her, her palm stretched out over her face.

Riley's P.O.V:

"Really?" Reece asks me.

I'm never telling my uncle ANYTHING!! For and long as I live!

"Oh yeah! You seem like a nice guy! I mean you treat her so nicely! You're a great friend.." he tells him.

"Yeah! He is a good friend."

Friends. Just friends..never going to be more than that after this. Stop getting attached to him. Just stop talking to him after this. There no point in falling for him if he's not going to catch you.

Reece's P.O.V:

Friends. Ouch! can I ever talk to her and have a normal conversation, or even tell her how I feel when she's alone if I'm too shy to even say "Hi!"? But what's confusing me more.Why is the hell this offending or getting to me? It's nothing. But she's not anything...she's definitely something...

Riley's P.O.V:

As I see Reece deep in thought, I nudge his arm and he jumps and looks at me.

"You ready?"

"Huh?" He asks, holding his bottom lip with his fingers.

"Are. You. Ready. Reece.?" I say a bit slower.

He nods and walks ahead, Blake and George following him.

He's so glum! It's probably my fault. I know it's bad to say this, and it's not technically true, but I'm glad he's leaving! So he doesn't have to deal with me for a while.And Cassidy! But mostly me...
Hey guys!! Sorry for the long wait!! I'm in Florida at the moment! Hanging with my grandparents!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all the Americans reading this!!💕😚 ((Reece's new Profile Pic for today had me dying btw!😂))

Anyways!! Hope you loved it!! More updates coming soon!!


Friend Of A EX Friend// Reece BibbyWhere stories live. Discover now