chapter seven

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''Where are we going?' I ask curiously. 'This is your first party, right?' Mia asks. I growl in frustration that she didn't answer my question. 'Yes.' I mumble. 'Well this is the biggest party in the year full of werewolves!' Mia says excitedly while she drives us to the party. 'Mia I am blind, I can bump into everyone and I don't wanna get punished!' I say sighing and she takes my hand. 'It will all be alright.' She mumbles and I just nod knowing I can't stop her from doing this. 'We are there!' says Mia excited and I get pulled out of the car. 'Trust me, Bella, it will be great.' my wolf says grinning and I nod. 'O my gosh look there is alcohol! And a pool!' my wolf yells happy and I roll my eyes letting her guide me through the crows of dancing, sweaty, drunk werewolves. The most dangerous Wolves I say myself. Alcohol does things to you that aren't good. 'Oh look Alex is here too!' Says Mia behind me and I nod smelling his scent. 'Alex!' She yells running away leaving me all alone between these gross people. 'Dude.' I growl and my wolf laughs.

'O my gosh there is food Bella get some food for us!' my wolf yells and leads me around the dancing teenagers. 'Okay so on the right we have... PEANUT BUTTER.' She screams suddenly and I cringe. Moon has something with peanut butter since I was a pup. We never got is but the times we got to taste it she just wanted to take me over and eat all the peanut butter. 'Not now.' I growl and I get suddenly pushed between all the dancing people who bounce against me. I try to regain my balance but before I can do something I get pushed and I fall against someone who screams high pitched. 'Bitch look out!' The voice says and I growl lowly. 'I'm sorry.' i mumble standing straight and feeling figures stop dancing to look at me.

'Oh, your that girl.' I growl recognizing her scent when Miles came to confront me with her scent all over him. My wolf growls and screams at me to kill her for taking a mate from us. 'Oh, I know you! You're that worthless mate Miles talked about!' I growl lowly at her response. 'You're that slut that keeps fucking everybody... Interesting since when do they let bitches into a pack?' I smile sarcastic and I hear people gasp around me. 'Since when do they let filthy, blind rogues into the pack?' She growls back at me and I roll my eyes not knowing where this new confidence is coming from. 'Bella lets go she isn't worth it.' Says Mia and she takes my hand to drag me away. 'Ah, the poor girl needs help?' Says the bitch and something snaps inside of me. I let out a powerful growl and the ground shakes letting people know my wolf is clearly on edge. I feel people move away and I smile. The memories of the past slowly disappearing knowing I had this power in me I never had before. 'Come at me, Whore.' The bitch says again and I growl lowly not liking how she is talking to me. 'I give you some of my strength.' my wolf mumbles and I nod with a smile creeping up my face.

I feel the proudness coming off her and I growl loud. How can a bitch like that be that proud of herself? I launch myself at her dodging her throwing a punch at me and my wolf says order through my head. 'Okay now duck and swing your legs so she falls!' my wolf growls and I do what she says to feel the Bitch falling down with a loud yelp. I jump on her sitting right on her waist and I punch her in the face more then is necessary. 'Bella stop right now!' Mia pulls me of the bitch and I let her lead me out of the house. 'What the fuck?!" she growls at me and I growl back at her. 'Don't talk to me like that, pup.' My wolf growls taking me over for a moment but I take her back fast. 'You're eyes.' Mia says and I feel her shake under my grip just realizing that I had my hand around her throat. I pull my hand away and shake my head.

 'What the fuck is wrong with you.' Mia says bitterly while walking away. Suddenly anger fills me and my wolf takes over. I try to push her away but she is too strong knowing I can't deal too good with emotions. 'Why?' I mumble in the back of my mind knowing that I didn't have control over my own body. 'Nobody gets us, I need to take care of you and nobody else or we will get killed.' She growls back and I sigh. Suddenly I feel my body shift and my wolf begins to run. I still can't see a thing so I just have to try to feel what she is doing. I feel the mate bond pulling on me and my wolf and she lets me take the control back so I stop and try to find a cave or something for the night. After a while searching my wolf and I find a cave and I go to lay down with my big head on my paws. 'They miss us.' My wolf mumbles and I sigh. 'Night moon.' 'Night Bella.' 

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