《Chapter 9》

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You were, as usual, seated at the table with Jiyeon, Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

You were quietly listening to their conversation while eating your food. Could've been peaceful, if you didn't feel sharp eyes on you from behind. Feeling a bit uncomfortable you stopped and turned your head slightly. You saw a group of girls shooting you death glares. You recognized three of them. The ones whom you talked to the other day. The one in the middle was the one who talked the most that time. You watched as the corners of her lips curled up to a devilish smirk before she turned her gaze back to her food.

You turned back to your food too and quietly continued eating, you felt eyes on you again but that time from the front.

Baekhyun was the one opposite you. You glanced at Baekhyun and he quickly looked away and hid his face so you wouldn't see how hard he was blushing.

Baekhyun's POV:

Do I like Y/n? This question kept bothering me since Chanyeol asked it to me. I couldn't even walk over to her and greet her this morning just like I did everyday. For the first time in my life, a girl was making me nervous. I didn't know what was making me nervous.

At lunch time I was walking through the hallways and I saw her. There was a girl behind her and three in front of her. They were smirking so it looked like something was happening. As creepy as it is, I decided to watch quietly from distance to understand what was going on.

"Wow! The little princess is acting like a hero now! Listen whoever you think you are, I think you shouldn't interfere with this. This girl is a useless and ugly girl. No one even loves her." She looked at the girl behind Y/n. "Like seriously can't you just disappear already. No body wants you."

"Listen i dont know how it happens up there for you." Y/n spoke, pointing at her head. "But school is not made for popularity nor any of the immature stuff you tend to do here. It's not even to make friends, or for you it's more like lackeys or become one. Not to come find boys to date. She unlike you knows what she comes here for. So no she won't disappear for a reason as stupid as people, who don't even know what a brain is to have one, hating on her. As a third year, you're the one who should be showing us this. And no she's not ugly. She's beautiful in a way that you don't understand. From the inside to tge outside. She's the type of girls who have soft beauty, it's not because she chooses to hide that pretty face with a pair of glasses that are simple that she's ugly. Unlike you who makes people think they're beautiful at first but slowly start realizing that they're not as pretty as people think. She aint the type to cover her face with makeup to attract attention. Not the type who make their skirt shorter to show their thighs, let me mention, not always attractive. Not the type who only think about boys. The type who respects herself. Who has her own hidden charms, that's how she is. And I do agree that you are on different levels, cause something that is hidden like diamond is never like an exposed trash."

Her face turned into a bright red of anger, and she took a step closer to Y/n "Who the hell are you calling trash?"

Y/n shrugged "I don't know, she's the diamond anyway. I'll let you guess the trash part."

"Diamond? You don't even know her, ridiculous kiddo."

"Maybe, but that ridiculous kiddo can tell that just by looking, unlike you. Boys aren't really interested in those girls who won't do anything to attract their attention."

But I am interested in you.

"You don't judge a book by its cover."

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