Chapter 12

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I woke up in the waiting room. "Y/N!" I turned my head and saw everybody. What was that that I just saw? There was a girl covered in blood in a white dress. "Are you okay Y/N?" Soohyun oppa asked worrily. "Yeah I'm fine." He sighed in relief but looks at me worrily.

"You scared us when you suddenly fell."
"I guess it was exhaustion from dance practice."
"Of course it was from dance practice. You always do this." Sungyeol oppa scolded.
"Mianhae." I look towards the guys. "So are you guys doing it?"
"Huh?" All of the guys said.
"Not you GOT7 or whatever you are. The promise."
"Of course we are!" Jin said happily.

That made me smiled but that didn't last long. The girl ghost was still in my mind.

"Hello? Earth to Y/N."
"Let's go. Hyung has his company to go to."
"Oh right." I got up. "Let's go."

I left school with oppas. Soohyun oppa dropped me and Sungyeol oppa off and left to his company. We went inside and Sungyeol oppa talked.

"I'm gonna get ready to go back to school. Go rest."
"Don't dance for a few days again."
"I know."
"Call me if something happened."

I went to my room and rest. I heard that voice again. "You hurt them. Why are you still with them?" I got up and saw that girl again. "W-Who a-are you?" "How are you hurt them?! You made them suffer! Because of you they're like this!" Everything around me was about to break. I covered my ears and cried. "They're only with you because they don't want to do the same mistake. Leave them alone. Forget about the promise. It was nothing but junk." She came closer to me. "Leave this world. You don't belong in this world." She smirks and stabbed her hand through my body. It hurts so bad. She disappears but the pain is still there. I touched when the pain was and I was actually bleeding. I got up to get my phone and call Sungyeol oppa.

"Sungyeol I-I'm bleeding. M-My ch-chest is bleeding."
"What?! Stay in your room! I'll be there!"

He end the call and I fell to the floor. Who was that girl? I felt my eyelid going heavy. No I can't. I need to be awake for Sungyeol. I 


*Taehyung's POV*

I was going home until I saw someone familiar. "T-Taeyeon?" She look up and smiled. She got up and ran away. I ran after her. "Taeyeon wait!" She stopped and looks at me.

"Annyeong TaeTae."
"Taeyeon......" I repeated her name again.
"I missed you and all of you guys."
"I......I missed you too."
"Let's take a walk. With the others."

*Sungyeol's POV*

"I don't know what's the cause of this. Was there anyone else with her?"
"Ani it was just her."
"This is strange. Normally people will die when they get stabbed but her heart is beating even though her veins are ripped. There was a huge hold on her chest."

I hold myself thinking of that.

"W-What was it?"
"I don't know what was it. It wasn't like a bullet but morely like someone stabbed her with their hand." I was froze.
"C-Can I s-see my s-sister?"
"Ne you can."

I went inside Y/N's room. I look at her. You could've die from it. How did you survive Y/N? I touched her chest which was covered in bandages and covered my mouth. I fell to the floor and stayed their for a few second. I cried and held her hand. "What happened to you Y/N?! What happen?!" The door opened harshly, revealing hyung. "Hyung! Y/N could've died!" He was confused at me crying and Y/N who was laying on the hospital bed with bunch of IV lines on her and a heart rate next to her. He quickly ran up to me.

"What happened?"
"H-Hyung Y-Y/N has a-a huge h-hole on her ch-chest."

He slowly got up and touched her chest. His eyes widened and did the same thing as I did. He looked at me scared.

"Wh-What happened to Y-Y/N?"
"I-I don't know. I left for school and s-she suddenly called me."
"Y/N....." He look at Y/N. "Your heart is still beating but you got a hole on your chest. H-How is th-this possible?"

He came to me and gave me a hug. I can't see but I can tell he was still staring at Y/N. His hand stroke my head to keep me calm.

"It's okay Sungyeol. She'll survive and wake up one day. For now let's wait for her to wake up."

*Ghost Taeyeon's POV*

I missed you guys so much. I'll make sure to make your friend suffer. You guys don't need her. You need me. Your friend will soon die. I'll also will take revenge on those girls too. I smiled. I saw a soul coming. My smile disappear and is replace with a evil smirk. "Oh what do we got here?" I stood up and walked to the girl. "Welcome you traitor."

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