Welcome Home, Little One

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   So after that short introduction to my life and the first time there was a spark of love from me for Tom, there's still a couple more things you need to know. 

   Because of that girl at school, and other people in my life, I have anxiety. I frequently have anxiety attacks and mental breakdowns. I kept it from everyone for years, because the best way to keep your heart from getting broken is to just pretend that you don't have one at all. I also have insomnia; oh, the joys of never being able to sleep at all. I always wake up with bloodshot eyes. My parents don't really know about that either, or at least a lot of it. No one really knows about my mental struggles; except for one person, Rosie.

   Rosie is my best friend in life. I've known her longer than Tom and we go to school together, so I see her more than I see Tom. She is my real twin and totally gets me. We dance and act together as well. But I need to get back to the main story. 

   A year had passed since that day I broke down; since I felt that spark. I tried to push it away, I wasn't supposed to fall in love with my best friend. But those feelings kept coming back to haunt me. They were haunting me at night when I would attempt to go to sleep when I would dance and perform; every day and every night those thoughts were haunting me. 

   It wasn't fair to myself, but despite all of our years of friendship and revealed secrets, I didn't know how he felt about me. He was in a relationship with Ellicia, and it was a serious one too. He was happy and I didn't want to be the dramatic type to break them up so that I could have him all to myself. That's not who I am. 

   I was with him the day he bought Tessa. He and Ellie had gotten into an argument and he was feeling down. So I picked him up from her house and we drove around the streets of Kingston, in lieu of a new adventure. I pulled up to a pet store because cute animals fix everything; especially puppies. We hopped out of my blue Jeep and ventured into the store. We were welcomed home with the sound of yapping puppies, squawking birds, and purring kittens. Everything was just filled with joy, it seemed, the moment we walked in. I was busy looking at the Great Pyrenees puppies, while Tom was watching some adorable Blue Staffy puppies. His face was lit with joy and it made me happy to see him like that; especially after his argument with Ellie. 

   "I'm going to buy one," he stated. I simply just grinned at him like a doofus, unable to say anything.

   "Are you not going to try and stop me?" he asked with even more joy. "Because usually, you're like, 'Tom it's not a good idea' and 'Tom your mum is going to kill you and it's not like they're going to help you with the puppy,'" he imitates my voice.

   "Well," I begin. "That is all true. However, (Tom gives me a sarcastic look) you are down in the dumps my friend, and you deserve to do something for yourself for once. So no, I will not stop you; in fact, I am more than supporting you in this decision, I am urging you to do so. So please buy that adorable little dog for the greater good." 

   I have skipped forward a little bit in time. 

   When we got home, and by home I mean the Hollands, we were trying to be as quiet as possible. We snuck into the backyard and were just playing with the new puppy, tossing her tennis balls and little treats here and there. We were having loads of fun, keeping the puppy to ourselves, until-

   "THOMAS STANLEY!" a voice shouted. A voice that we both knew very well. Tom looked at me with a facial expression that clearly said Oh shit

  The puppy went romping towards Nikki and she glanced down at her with disapproving eyes. I could tell she was trying not to crack a smile at the adorable puppy. 

   "Why did you buy a dog without consulting your dad or me?" she asked sternly. Dom then walked out to hear the commotion and noticed the little puppy. 

   "OH MY WORD THAT DOG IS SO CUTE!" he exclaimed. Nikki slapped him on his arm and explained what was the issue at hand.  

   "Nikki, you can't exactly blame the boy, the dog is adorable. And besides, everyone makes a decision like that in their life at least once."

   Nikki thought for a long moment before answering, "okay fine, you can keep her. BUT, you have to train her."

   Tom's face brightened up "thank you, thank you, thank you. Mum, I love you so much," he said fastly. He picked up the puppy and coddled her so much that she peed on him. 

   "Aww, I love you too but that's really gross."

   And there it was. Another big spark.

   Now I must clarify that over the course of a year there were some minor sparks, but not big ones like the first one that really happened. There were little instances where I was able to shove them down, but not in a case like this. Not when my heart beats a little faster, I sweat a little more, and breathe a little faster. 

   Never in a case like that. 

   My vision becomes a little out of focused and my hearing a little muffled and when I come back to reality, Tom is smiling at me weird. 

   No, not smiling. 

   His face is painted with the yellow look of confusion and a hint of purple worry- I describe feelings in colour. I don't realize he's talking to me until he shakes me a little bit. 

   "Elayna, you alright?" he asks.

   "Yeah, yeah, yeah," I bat him away. "I'm fine. I just need a little water." 

   I felt like he was taking the bricks out of my wall slowly, trying to discover what was behind. But there was nothing except for a crying little girl who was scared of growing up. However, she appeared as an older girl except for the fact that her mind was a little girl. A little girl who didn't want to accept the fact that she was growing up. 

   After I got a small glass of water, I was fine but Tom treated me like a porcelain doll; humanoid but fragile. 

   This treatment continued a long time until I had the guts to speak up. 

   Until he broke through the brick wall

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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