To Hercules

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Dear Hercules Mulligan

I got your letter Mon Ami, and I do agree it has been boring without you as well, and yes I would have stayed if you asked me..
Truthfully Mon Ami there is no place for me in new York
but I will see if I can visit but its unlikely.. we new after the war that we'd never see each other again, how are you not okay with it now? back then you could handle it, did you grow attached to me Mon Ami?
Awe how sweet of you, I have grown very attached to you too
Its funny how the heart works
I have been also writing to Alexander and he says you look lonelier then he's ever seen you
it worries me Mon Ami
Your taking good care of yourself correct? please say you are, I would hate to hear that you were sick

well I have to go I can't wait till you next letter

your friend Lafayette

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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