The Story of my life

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Ok so this story is about love hatred bullying and betrayal. this is also based on real life actions the only differences are the main character actually gets the guy he wants, oh and the characters are played by real people like the love.....person is played Zayn Malik OMG, but anyways this is my very first story so I hope you like it and also the main character is British lol so please comment

Chapter 1 New friends

Ok so this is my very first day of high school. So I'm really nervous only cause of what my sister says, like over the summer she was telling me that I won't be friends with the people from middle school and things of that nature. So am I want to do this year is make new friends and get good grades.

so when I first walked into the school it was so many people that were way really than me considering I'm only 5'2, and being a guy who is 5'2 really sucks, but anyways I went to the cafeteria and I seen so many groups of people sitting together, laughing and having fun, sense I didn'tsee any of my friends from last year I went and sat at an empty table.

while I was sitting there some girl walked up to me "hey" she said "hey""umm why are you sitting by yourself""cause I don't see any of my friends""oh well I'm Brittany and if you want you can come and sit with us""ok and I'm Jamie but my friends call me skie""why""cause I'm a hippie""oh that's look""yea", so when we got to the table she was about it introduce me her friends but one of them interrupted "hey""hey""I'm lania but people call me passion and this is Jesus""oh well nice to meet you both"I said back"is that any accent I suspect"Jesus said "it actually is and its British some of my family said I've been in America to long and its starting to die down""well I can really detect it, and I really love the British""me too" passion said "well that's good then and I'm Jamie but people call me skie""oh, kool" lania said "oh so back to our conversation" Jesus Said excitedly after he said that I just zoned out for a while til the bell rang that's when I came back to reality. Brittany walked me to my first class up stairs, "so ok think u can handle it from here right"" yea""oh umm what lunch to u have""c""o kool me to see u at lunch""ok see you later" after that she left and I walked into the classroom first period was a blur cause  I wasn't even paying attention.

After that I went through second period, which is math omg I hate math only cause I'm not good at it at all, but I had to bare thorough it , next I had third period and it was theatre arts which I knew I wouldn't have any distractions or anything cause I loved it so much I would be lost in the glory of acting............well at least I thought

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