Chapter 2-Third period and lunch OMG

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After my long math class it was time for third and for third I had theatre arts the only class I was really looking forwards to,  when I got to class all the way at the front of the school I went in and sat down in down in the middle more towards the front and my best friend from last came in and we both screamed and we got so dirty looks but we didn't care, and we ran to each other and hugged and we was talking none stop until the teacher Mr Killian came in "hello class I am Mr killian and I will be ur teacher for the next couple of months, now I know y'all already went through the rules in all ur other classes but it's mandatory, so here we go just bear with me"

  While he was talking me and Lacy was just texting each other, 'hey' 'hey lol' ' OMG I missed u so much over the summer'me too so wat is ur next class''math u''world history'

After he was done talking, he passed out some papers and everyone started talking.

"OMG I really missed u " I said in a relief tone "I really needed to c all my friends"

"I know right I really need to see you Skie"

after she said Tht the bell rang

"is class over already" I whined

"no it's just time for lunch"

"oh and by the way I don't think I'm going to sit with u"I said in a I'm sorry voice

"Awe y not" Lacy said "because I met this girl and she wants me to sit with her and a couple other people but I promise if I can't find her I'll sit with u" "OK I guess Tht will be fine" Lacy said while pouting.

after I arrived at lunch I couldn't find anyone not Lacy or Brit so I went and sat at a table by myself,

but knowing me it really isn't a problem cause in use to it.

so about five minutes later I was done with my good and I was just sitting there reading when some one came and sat down right in front of me, "Hey What are you reading" the person said "oh this book name Ven...." I couldn't even finish my sentence cause he was right in front of he was so cute, I snapped out of my trance when I heard Britanny's voice "Hey Skie" "oh Umm Hey" I said to Brittany "I'm sorry but I have to go nice talking to u" I told him

"OMG u can't hide anything"

what are you talking about "

"Umm you liking Austin"

"who's Austin"

"Umm the cutie u was just staring over"

"was I really staring"

"Umm yea so do u like him and u can trust me I won't tell anyone"

I hesitated to tell her but as long as I can trust her right "OK well I do think he is really cute"

"I knew it" she shouted

"OMG can you keep down "

"sorry it's just thats really cute I think y'all will look cute together "

"haha real funny but seriously I'm not his type he deserves someone way cuter than me"

when we reached the table passion was staring at us "Umm Hey" I said feeling akward

"Hey What did Brittany know, I wanna know"

"I'll tell u later OK"

"OK as long as someone tells me"

After lunch we went back to third period, when got back Mr Killian told us we could go into the auditorium Tht us like right next to his, so everyone got up and went there except me and lacy was stayed back cause I seen Austin get up and go, and I'm to embarrassed to go cause of the whole staring at him.

"OMG Lacy" I said after everyone left


"I think u have a crush on Austin"

"OMG really "she said in a surprising tone

"Yea OMG he is so cute" I said pouting

"Awe that's cute" she said giggling "well if u need any help with getting him I'll but happy to"

"thanks Lace" I said giving her a hug

"No problem"

Author's note

So sorry this took so long it's just I'm not good keeping my attention to one thing so this is going to be hard and it will help me a lot so thanks for being patent with me this also my first story so just bear with me

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