Chapter 3- Meeting

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After school I came home to a strange vehicle in our drive way, I started to get curious was, I walked up to our stairs and when I opened the door I heard my mums voice so I started walking towards her voice til I got to the living room, when I walked in I saw mum sitting there and this other person was a guy dressed in black slacks and a button up plaid shirt, he had dark brown hair and when he turned around I seen he had  he had deep blue eyes kinda like mine, he was sitting on the arm of my stepfather's green chair and when I walked closer towards them I seen another person sitting there he was a boy, he had short blond hair kinda like mine and since I was staring at the back of head I didn't notice much "Jamie" my my said which snapped me out of my thoughts "yes"

"Umm can you excuse us I need to talk to him alone" mum said to the man

"sure come on Jacob" the man responded in his incredibly deep voice, than he and the boy got and stared walking out  I noticed the boy was about my height and he had  sunglasses on  so I didn't really pay attention to him.

when they left mum told me to sit beside her so I walked over to her and sat down

"so what's going on this is really weird"

"well I have to tell u something"she said with a shaky tone

"well what's is it" I said with a nervous giggle

"well that is your birth father in there "


'that's your..."

"Yea I heard what you said"

I said cutting her off "why is he here"

"cause we both think y'all are old enough to know this and we keep y'all separate long enough "

"who is y'all"

"you and your brother'

"my brother"

"yes you have a twin brother"

"but what I don't want a brother what if Gabby is enough I don't need another sibling and why did y'all separate us, y'all did the stupid thing they do in movies" I said standing up

"please listen to me your father is going over seas and he called the other day asking can Jacob stay with us and of course I said text I can't say no to my son so he is going to live with us for the next couple of years"

"but why haven't y'all got us together earlier this would be way easier if you had"

"I know I'm so sorry"

"mum OK I can't handle this right now I'm going to my room" I left without saying another word

so after meeting my twin which personally I don't see the resiblance between us he had full blond hair and I had dirty blond hair, he had light blue eyes and I had deep blue eyes like we must be fraternal twins or something.

Authors note

OK so Yea Jamie has a twin Lol sorry the chapters are like really lame right please comment and give me some ideas on how they can be better it would mean a lot

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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