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I sighed, walking through the darkened woods. The woods traveled along the road, but the road was never busy. I am only 13 years of age, but that doesn't bother me at all.

Giggling, I turned right. I looked around, nothing around looked familiar in anyway. I shrugged. ' Just a little lost that's all!' I thought, not even worrying. A cold wind wooshed passed, making me shiver and bundle in a ball.

"I should head back." I chattered in between cold shaky breathes. A odd looking  building appeared into view, wondering what would be in the old thing.

Running to the building, I stumbled a couple times. I grabbed into the door knob and turned it eagerly. The door's hinges creaked like a warning to turn back. I strutted inside the building, looking around and inhaling another shaky breathe. The air had a heavy feel to it. The walls were run down and stained in ink, I really didn't like the erie vibe that surround the place.

I kept cautiously walking farther into the building, but once I got fully inside and a decent space away from the door it slammed shut. Jumping, I panicked. Fear filling every sense in my now shaking body. I slowly tip toed through the building, looking at the writings of ink on the walls. I bumped into something. I looked down and giggled at what I saw. A cartoon cut out! A little black and white, smiling devil. The black, pie shaped eyes were just so cute and adorable.

"I miss these kind of cartoons. They don't really play them, do to the fact that now a days technology is so advanced." I sighed, mopping to the next room.

I inhaled a huge breath, for some reason, and coughed. Dust. This place had to be old! I looked into this room and my blue eyes went wide. I held my hand over my mouth, bile rising and burning my throat. There, on a standing operating like table, stood a wolf. His eyes as x's, his chest was all ripped up and exposed, seeing the broken ribs. The strap that held him there wasn't doing a great job, it was worn down and almost coming apart.

I looked to the other side of the and there was another mangled body. This one looked like monkey or something like that. His right eye and x, symbolizing that he was dead. His face wore a mask of agony and pain, I felt so bad. One of his legs were gone, but no where in the death filled room.

I ran out of the room as fats as I could and into another room. I tripped over something and stumbled, hitting my head on something hard and mental like. I groaned as the pain rushed through my head and my body. A splitting headache starting as I stood, shakily.

When I stood, I put my hand on the object that I smashed my head against. I looked up at the said object and gasped. A huge machine! It had a lot of gears, ranging in sizes. I looked at it in astonishment at how much gears and handles, to run the machine, donned it. A sign was staked into the wooden planked floor below my very feet.

"Wow! This is so AWESOME!" I squealed in joy. It astonished me so much! I've always been the kind of girl that worked on large machines with my father, but he died of brain and lung cancer.

I looked down and there was a puddle I strutted over to the little puddle of black substance, studying the shining liquid. I knelt down to poke the liquid, but before I could a white gloved hand sprang out of the puddle. I, being the easily spooked kind, swiveled on my heals and bolted out of the door. Making a sharp turn, my legs started to give out. I was almost to the front do when the floor, right below my feet, collapsed. Fear rose up into my stomach as the dim light of the building started to fade into a dimmer and dinner light. And after that....



A/N: Hello dear readers! Okie I hope that you're liking this so far and if you do please comment what you think and please do recommend this to your friends! Thanks and hope to hear you're thinking about the next chapter! Cya later lovelies!

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