Meeting the Toons

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~Amber's P.O.V~

I turned onto my right side, groaning. I didn't want to wake from the slumber that I was in. A loud chuckle cackled into the room, making my small figure shoot upright and aware of my surroundings. I looked around and noticed that I wasn't in my room. I looked down and slapped my cold, black, inky hand over my cartoony mouth.

"W-what hap-ppened to me?" I gasped out loud, tears swelling into my eyes. I got up and ran to the mirror that hung in the corner of the warn down room.

I looked in the mirror and shreaked. I was now a black, inky cartoon. Tears trickled down my black, pie cut eyes that held sorrow, fear, and anger. I looked at my outfit and smiled a little. At least they had a taste in fashion. The outfit was a black dress with white thigh high socks, red heals that were the color of blood. Ears popped from the top of my black hair, making the sounds of the warn down studio echo.

"I see you're awake, Doll face." A deep voice echoed through my conscience. My head shot in the direction of the doorway.

The ink demon was leaning against the doorway, making his appearance hotter than expected. Heat crawled onto my cheeks as I stares at the cartoon demon. He just continue to chuckle at the growing blush that spread across my pale, cartoon face. His pie cut eyes stared into my soul, like he was going to take my soul and make me his slave.

"So? Do you like the outfit? Alice made it just for you, saying that it would make your curves stand out more. Golly was she right." He studied my curvy shape up and down, making my face heat up more.

"Excuse me, but my eyes are up here not down there Mister!" I shreaked, covering my body with a blanket. He was right the dress hugged every curve perfectly, making my appearance more appealing to male beings.

"Tell her I say thanks! The dress is perfect, just a little more eye opening than what I am used to." I giggled nervously.

He stood up straight and strutted over to my short figure, "How 'bout you tell her yourself, Doll."

"Wait, am I going to meet her?" I asked excitedly, giggling like a kid getting their favorite candy.

"Of course! You're one of us now, Toots." He chuckled, making my face heat up. I could never keep my composer when he called me those nicknames.

He chuckled and grabbed my shaking hand, making the blush heat up more than before. He started to walk out of the room quickly, but something seemed off. He was rushing to make me meet this "Alice". What did he plan to do?

"Alice!" He cooed another cartoon. I looked at the toon, but my jaw dropped.

She was an angel/demon. A bright halo floated above her head, her hair was black with white devil horns coming out the sides of her head, a black dress with a white bow on her chest, black like sleeves that stopped just before her shoulders, white tight high socks with black heals.

"Oh, heya Bendy! What's up?" The demon sent from above asked Bendy.

"Well, I wanted to introduce a new member to the crew!" Bendy put his arm around my shoulders loosely, "This is Amber! She is our new star attraction! Isn't she beautiful?"

Alice eyes me up and down, making me feel extremely uneasy. She then smirked, nodding her head. She looked back up at Bendy, who was staring at my face the whole time Alice was, too.

"Well, yes! She is a very cute little cat cartoon." She giggled weirdly, making my insides turn. Something was up, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Golly Bendy! Who is this fine too?" A kind of funny sounding voice flirted. Blush exploded across my pale face, as I looked towards the voice's owner.

The was a tall dog like toon, reminding me of Goofy. His cheeks had a red colored circles on his cheeks, making him look like he is always blushing. He had no shirt, but wore overalls that looked old and wore away.

"Is it time yet, Boris?" Alice said demonicly, making Bendy snapped his head in that direction, clearly startled. 

A sharp pain shoot through the back of my skull, making me yelp and fall painfully. Everything started to fade in and out, making everything fuzzy and no non-existent. A low rumble came from Bendy's throat, turning into a very deep growl. The last thing that was heard was an insane laugh, followed by another thud. What happens next you ask? Darkness.


A/N: Hello my lovelies! Well, comment what you think and recommend this to your friends, try making this a well known book. Well gotta go hehe, hope to see your comments in the next chapter. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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