Authors Note #1

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Hey everyone I haven't died ok? Just alot of stuff is going on and I had moved to a different school.... It'll be hard for me to update since my last book sucked ass and I need to plan how to carry out the next chapter and find out how you guys need to fall in love with delirious and figure out the motive as to why delirious likes you (though I have partly figured out why delirious likes you but it's still a WIP) plus I need to plan out my other stories and finish them as well. So please just be patient and wait for the updates so I can properly plan and not have it be a complete flop like the demons that need me (to be completely honest I didn't know what i was doing with that book) and as always enjoy and I will see you next time

Kidnapped (a H20 Delirious X Reader fanfic) UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now