Chapter 2

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You stared at him with pure horror on your face. "Hey your awake" he said joy erupting from his muffled voice. "Since you know the rules I expect you to follow them..." his voice was full of menace before leaving the room.

Walking into my "Slaughter room " where I did my "Work". I looked at the victim that I had picked up last week. He had been hitting up on (Y/n) and no one is allowed to do that. I crouched down to his level "are you on your last leg?" I chuckled. He looked up blue eyes widening "P-ple-please let me go.." he managed to squeak out. I just smirked and pulled off my mask. Only people about to die ever had the privilege of seeing my face. Pulling out my knife, his eyes grew wide, knowing that he was going to die. I stabbed him in the chest, with great force penetrating at just the right spot and angle to bring the heart to an end in one blow. He slumped over as blood covered me head to toe "Pitiful, look at the mess you've made, you're weak and didn't deserve
(Y/n)..." l mumbled to his lifeless body. Cleaning myself up and wanting a moment of joy, I looked at (Y/n) through the crack of the door. She was sobbing to herself quietly. Smiling, I slipped my mask back on and pushed open the door. She quickly wiped the tears away with her free hand , most likely in fear of upsetting me, but instead glared at me. I released the handcuff from her wrist. She rubbed it in pain "I'm going out for a bit, however don't think of trying anything because it will not be a long absence" I growled as deep as I could. I couldn't lose her, she had became my world.

He left the room, the sound of the lock turning into place. You scrambled, almost tripping over your own feet getting to the windows. You struggle as you give all the strength in your weakening body, but of course they didn't budge. Thinking, that if you broke the glass he probably would hear and would be here in a second. So you crawled under the bed, making sure that no part of you was visible,  hopeing to trick him into thinking you escaped. During your inspection, your caught by surprise as a breeze of cold air hits your feet and legs, looking at the wall your heart fluttered with excitement and caution as a hole was in the wall. You get closer discovering with surprise, it was just big enough for you to fit into. Moving slowly into the darkness, enjoying the fresh air hitting your face, You crawl through the small tunnel and are blinded as you find yourself outside. With a burst of emotion, you scramble to your feet and run.

You stop, panting, you look back making sure you couldn't see the cabin anymore. Bending over and putting your hands on your knees you still can't catch your breath, in a couple steps you collapse on the ground, utterly exhausted. Off in the distance you can faintly hear  someone yelling and something moving in your direction at a fast pace. Your joy starts to fade as fear slams you, scrambling to your feet, you struggle to continue to run. The footsteps got louder and you could hear the growling of whatever is  chasing you. A sharp pain shot across your ankle, and the feeling of warm fluid stared to trickle down your foot. Your body can't help but lose it's momentum and balance bringing you to hit the ground with a hard crash. A branch knocking your skull you hear "You'll never get away..." in a familiar growl, before the world went painfully black.

Kidnapped (a H20 Delirious X Reader fanfic) UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now