Don't talk to strangers!

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Dear mom,
                   I know you told me not to bother keeping you informed about what's happening but I thought I could write about this one occasion, seen as though it is a special one. I'm taking Abbie and Cable to the circus. Do they even have them there at England? It's been three years already and we all miss you so much, cant wait to hear back. Anyway my day,

The street was silent. Deserted. Dead! Nobody was out in the street, why would they be? Most had better things to do but some stayed inside. There was a reason for this though, and it was a big reason. The circus had come to turn for one night and one night only, this was great for some quiet.

"We still going aren't we em?"Cable asked Emily shyly. Abbie's head shot up instantly, her eyes pleading for the answer both her and cable do desperately wanted.
"Yes, if I get freaked out then I'm gone though!" I compromised. They both nodded and ran off to get ready.

I'm not a big fan of the circus really, to much stuff. I'm afraid that a clown might get me. Or an animal might try and eat me. its silly really but we all have our fears. Abbie has the fear of needles and small spaces, Cable has the fear of darkness and spiders.

Whilst they were off getting ready I brushed my hair through and stool some casual outdoor clothing on. Not the kind that those popular purple wear these days. Those hideous tracksuit matching malarkey. I grabbed my blue trainers and grey winter coat before calling the others to go out. It still takes ten minutes to get them from their room or of the door. On the other hand, I use this to my advantage. I get snacks and prepare drinks while they ready themselves for the circus.

The street was still dead. Nobody was left outside now due to the circus' rare appearance. The bitter air nipped at their noses, threatening to give them runny noses. Their hats and scarves were useless, not protecting them from the snow that began to lay on them.  Their earmuffs protected them from the wet and cold but there were no sounds to muffle as there wasn't even any cars.

The tent was tall, like a house tall. Blue, white and red stripes perfectly lined Up. We could hear the cried which was gathered inside. Rows and rows of seats were filled and only three seats right at the front were left. They must have been ours, there were no others to sit in. The three of us sat down and the show began.

It was all going fine until the magicians act. He asked for a volunteer and of course cable (who was only nine) told him that I would do it. That was it, all eyes on me, I couldn't refuse. He helped me up and led me to the center of the the stage. The tent looked so much bigger there and I almost passed out. The magician whispered in my ear this won't hurt then threw a blanket over my head.

He must have thought he was harry potter or something,"windigo bindigo" (never heard that before). The blanket rose slowly upward and I was in a different room. It was dark in there, nothing to be seen. I wanted around for about an hour trying to find my way back but nothing happened, I tried to find the door upon which I entered but instead found Cable and Abbie. The we crying in the corner, ticking back and forth.

"What's wrong?" I asked quickly. The two looked up at me, then threw their arms tightly around my body.
"We thought we'd list you!" Cable explained sobbing softly. At that moment a door opened behind us. A clown with its hair tied back walked in. I don't know about the other two, but it felt like something was in my mind. Searching for something, not vital but important. The clown pressed it's fingers to it's temples then opened its white eyes, it's head bent too far to the left side. Then, it disappeared.

At that point we'd had enough, but fear paralysed us staring at the spot where the clown had disappeared. A small noise came from all around us,and then a wall pressed into our back pushing us forward. That's when I noticed, they had reached into our fears. Something began to crawl across me, it was like thousands of tiny legs, patting down on my body. Cable screamed first, that's how we new that they were spiders. Then Abbie screamed, pointing to the opposite wall which began to open. Needles, they littered the wall. Covering every square inch.

I couldn't hold the brave face any longer. An ear piercing screech escaped my mouth, so loud and high that some of the spiders flinched back. I stood up and tried to find the door again. There was no Knob and no other sign for a door way. I could hear sounds of locks and pistons scraping amongst eachother but couldn't figure out why. I yelled out for the others to get behind me and they did, they bounced, shook and screamed their way over. A door opened in front of me and ran through, escaping my fears. I turned to make sure that Abbie and Cable had come through but the door was shut, tightly behind me. Once again there was no sign of a door.

I leaned against the wall and slumped down, listening to the screams of my siblings. I am the twenty year old sister, I should make sure they don't die. I screamed above the sound of them dying and then began to sob embarrassingly, nothing my lost brother and sister. My eyes began to sting and when my throaghts closed up I rose to my feet,my fists clenched, jaw scraping. I began to run. As fast I I could, I ran down the neverending corridor until I crumpled to the floor. The world went black.

When the room came back into focus I was back in the tent. Surrounded by the people, I was stood next to the magician who had just ripped the blanket back off of my head. I instantly found Cable and Abbie, sat fear masking their face as they stared at the magician. Where did I went, I do not know. I just wish that you could be there. Why did you have to on a thirty year buissnes trip?

I have wrote this letter because I am going to find out where I went and what exactly happened to me, Abbie and cable. They went to the same place as I did. They saw the same thing as I did. And I want to know why!

    Hope to speak to you soon,

"What did you do to my daughter. You will pay for this you witch!" A woman managed to scream before some thread slowly sowed her mouth shut on its own.

"Let the games begin."

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