Part 5

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Jack climbed back into the van and Kate closed the cage.  She looked upset about the news that Declan might take her academy away.  Mark closed the van door and Jack sat on the cushion in the cage.  He was really worried about how this was going to effect his relationship with Mark.  How many Masters would agree with a man like Declan?  Kate and Mark climbed into the front and Jack was surprised to hear her start snapping at Mark.  "Well, if today has taught me anything. It's that you are babying him".  Mark groaned loudly in frustration, before sternly saying.  "That is not true! I punished him".  Kate made a show of rolling her eyes, answering dryly.  "I sure as hell didn't let you off that easy when I trained you".  Mark simply shrugged, mumbling back.  "Well, you're not me. I'm being cautious". 

Kate smacked the steering wheel in her own frustration, sourly stating.  "Jesus, Mark. No Master in there had their pet on their lap"!  Mark opened his mouth to say something, but Kate pointed a stern finger at him and quickly added in.  "NONE! Jack showed you defiance and you rewarded him"!  Mark smacked her hand away, snapping back.  "I did punish him"!  Kate gave Mark a sarcastic look, stating out in a low dry voice.  "That is not punishment. If Jack is as stubborn as you claim and I clearly saw him sit on your lap that whole show... You need a new punishment plan. He can't learn if you are afraid to discipline him".  Mark turned to look out the window, mumbling out.  "I'm not afraid too. He's still just a pup".  Kate shifted in her seat to say loudly.  "EXACTLY!  And you're keeping him that way. He trusts you, but you aren't laying down rules". 

Mark refused to look at her or answer.  So, she placed a hand on his shoulder, before telling him softer.  "Mark... I'm trying to help you. You've never had a pet before and it's showing. I can't take him to the academy to learn... If you're only going to let him ignore the rules anyway when he comes home. Now do you want my help? Or should I just take you both home"?  Mark still didn't look at her or even answer.  Jack moved closer to them, placing his hand through the cage to touch Mark's arm.  Mark finally turned to look back at him and Jack gently told him.  "Mark? Please? I want to do this for you. For us".  Mark gently took ahold of Jack's hand and smiled.  Jack rested his head against the cage with a smile of his own.  Jack wanted to try this life style... No matter what that meant.  Just to make Mark happy. 

Mark looked up at Kate then to tell her softly.  "Alright. I'm listening".  Kate gave him a sweet smile and answered.  "Good. You can start by punishing him now".  Jack pulled his arm back into the cage a little surprised.  Mark just stared blankly at Kate, asking softly.  "Why"?  Kate opened up her driver door, telling Mark simply.  "He misbehaved during the show. He refused to sit at your side. He made you look like a weak Master. So, I'm going to show you how to punish him for it. Right here and now. Or were you not serious just now about wanting my help"?  Mark straightened up and climbed back out of the van.  Jack stayed were he was.  The farthest from the doors.  Kate had showed him how she punished pups... but it still didn't stop him from being uneasy about it.  Which he guessed was probably the point. 

Kate opened the van door, telling Mark casually.  "You've been using sex as a punishment. Which is a bad thing. You don't want him to feel good about being bad. You want him to feel good when he obeys you".  Kate opened the cage back up and gestured toward Jack as she told Mark sweetly.  "I won't touch him. You are his Master. You call him out".  Mark approached the door, telling Jack calmly.  "Come here, Jack".  Jack started to move, but Kate raised her hand toward Jack.  Jack hesitated.  Who was he suppose to be listening to?  Mark was his Master... but Kate was Mark's old Master.  He felt so confused.  Kate took the moment to tell Mark firmly.  "Mark... You are not his friend right now. You are his Master. He needs to hear the disappointment in your voice. This tells him that he has done something wrong and you are not happy with him". 

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