Part 27

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Jack shifted uncomfortably, covering his genitals up with his hand. Looking away from Declan's deep green eyes. He hated that he found him even slightly attractive. He half wanted him to hit him and give him a real reason to hate him. Declan's hands moved from the edge of the bed to rest on his bare thighs, pushing them slightly wider. Jack's whole body tensed up, but he refused to look at Declan. Declan's lips very lightly trailed up his neck, causing Jack to cringe and shiver. When his lips reached his ear, Declan calmly stated out to him in a tender tone of voice. "In my day, dogs were often passed around several Masters before they became collared. I passed through the hands of six before Melanie collared me. She had a kink for the exotic ones. I never understood what she meant until now". 

One of Declan's hands rose off his thigh to stroke Jack's neck lovingly. Jack clenched his jaw, closing his eyes and trying to resist the way Declan's fingers playfully coaxed him to look at him. When Declan realized Jack wasn't listening, he took ahold of Jack's throat and lowered him back against the mattress. Jack's eyes shot up as Declan shifted his knees up onto the edge of the bed, placing himself directly before him. Jack grabbed Declan's hand with his free hand in instinctual desperation. He didn't know what Declan was going to do, but he couldn't imagine it being good. Declan's hand loosened on his throat, then started to trail down Jack's chest as he reassured him in a soothing voice. "Relax". Jack started to close his legs, but Declan's hands simply pushed them part as he stroked up and down the length of his inner thighs.

Declan's eyes scanned over his body for a long moment, before he stated with a smirk. "Do you know your Irish national anthem, Jack"? Jack raised an eyebrow asking nervously. "Yes... What does that have to do with anything"? Declan took Jack's wrist away from his crotch as he leaned over him, pinning both Jack's wrists above him. Jack struggled beneath him until Declan calmly shushed him and answered seriously. "I'm not going to hurt you, unless you give me reason too". Jack panted shakily, mumbling out. "You don't count rape as hurting me"? Declan rolled his eyes, asking bluntly. "I have no intention of fucking you. That isn't the kind of Master I am. Hells gates... I still got my clothes on. Don't you think if I was going to rape you that I would've taken something off before now"?

Jack calmed down only a little, retorting unsettled now. "I don't understand... What do you want from me"? Declan smirked down at him, lustfully purring out to him. "I want you to start singing your national anthem". Jack was speechless as he shifted his hips more comfortably under Declan. That was a strange request at this moment. Declan chuckled so softly that it made Jack blush. This was the Declan that everyone feared? Declan's grip loosened on Jack's wrists, but still kept him pinned down as he told him innocently. "Humor me. Please"? Jack huffed nervously, mumbling out. "Why? You think I'm not Irish"? Declan shook his head, replying sweetly. "That's not it. Call it an... inherited fetish". Jack's eyes narrowed on Declan as he hesitantly muttered out. "A what? How does that even work"? Declan's smirk turned as wicked as his dark green eyes, when he answered. "Я покажу тебe. Start singing and don't stop until you reach the end".

Jack shook his head still confused, but gave in. Of all the things that he had expected Declan to make him do... Singing a national anthem was nothing. Relaxing and taking a deep breath, Jack closed his eyes and began to sing the Irish national anthem in Gaelic with a soft flowing voice. Declan stayed really quiet, listening to him. It seemed silly, until Declan released one of his wrists and reached down between them. Jack's eyes opened and his heart beat faster in his chest, but he kept his singing flaunt. Declan gave him an innocent smile, then returned his hand to pin Jack's wrist. The action confused Jack. Declan had reached between them... but didn't touch his exposed groin. Declan didn't even appear to touch himself... It made no sense why he had done that. Jack kept singing feeling very weary of Declan's soft smile.

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